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02 Jul 20:43

blue and red berry ricotta galette

by deb

blue and red berry star galettes

Were you about to make a pie for this weekend? Stop. I think you should join me in abandoning Team Pie for Team Galette; you won’t regret it. It’s not like we haven’t had our share of exceptional vegetable galettes, but save a nectarine version in the archives and a cherry-almond riff in the book, I usually defaulted to pie when it came to fruit, round, slabbed or cookie-ed. But last week, when we had an excess of blueberries on our hand because someone (cough) cannot control herself when anything first graces the Greenmarkets, it all felt like so much work — all of that dough, sugar, crimping and weaving and trimming, baking time, plus I have no idea where my pie dishes are, they’re probably being used as a play-doh receptacle somewhere. A galette would never do this to you.

blueberries, cherries

Galettes are your friend. Requiring less of everything, they come together in all of 15 minutes and take 30 to bake, which means you can totally wait until the last minute to make one, as you were going to anyway. They don’t care if you make them round or square — whatever shape the dough stretches out into will do. But that doesn’t mean someone (cough) didn’t get carried away trying to put a July 4th spin on hers.

threading the dough with lemon zestwork butter into flour mixture
add ricotta and waterknead into a craggy ball

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© smitten kitchen 2006-2012. | permalink to blue and red berry ricotta galette | 147 comments to date | see more: Blueberries, Cherries, Photo, Raspberries, Summer, Tarts/Pies

27 Jun 18:05

The Big Guide to Storing Fruits and Vegetables — The Kitchn

by Jennifer Hunter
20 Jun 20:36

carrot salad with tahini and crisped chickpeas

by deb

carrot salad with lemon and tahini

I have been gushing in the margins about David Lebovitz’s carrot salad (pardon! salade de carottes râpées) since I made it for the first time four years ago. It’s exquisite in its simplicity, just lemon juice, olive oil, a pinch of sugar, some salt, pepper, and rough-chopped parsley, all applied in that old-fashioned taste-as-you-go method that basically guarantees it will be perfectly seasoned when you’re done. (You do this with everything you cook, right? Yeah, I forget too.) And this week, as the carrots are towered high at markets, was the week I finally wanted to give it its due. But then I started thinking about that carrot soup we talked about in the early days of 2013, which we finished with a lemony-tahini swirl and topped with cumin and sea salt roasted chickpeas and how fantastically filling it was, a real meal in a bowl, and decided we needed a fresh spring-summer spin on it.

salt and cumin-toasted chickpeas
a pound of carrots

I have zero regrets. While no carrot salad could or should replace the perfection of the French classic, this is equally deserving of a place in the annals, right alongside this harissa, feta and mint stunner a lovely person sent me four years ago. Zinging with lemon, nutty with tahini, flecked with parsley, topped with almost smoky roasted chickpeas and then some chopped salted pistachios, I don’t think I’ve ever had a bowl of grated carrots with so much complexity, so much to consider.

lemon tahini dressing

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© smitten kitchen 2006-2012. | permalink to carrot salad with tahini and crisped chickpeas | 135 comments to date | see more: Carrots, Gluten-Free, Photo, Salad, Summer, Vegan, Vegetarian

20 Jun 20:36

pasta and fried zucchini salad

by deb

ottolenghi's pasta and fried zucchini salad

Every time I make an Ottolenghi recipe, I become convinced that he has finally lost his mind. Really, turmeric, black sesame seeds and parmesan together? Three tablespoons of fresh oregano? A full half-cup of tahini? And as my anxiety grows — you see, I, too, understand the bubble of time, ingredients and trust that we invest into new recipes, which, when popped, leads to the kind of frustration that can only be righted with a scalding review — I wonder if this will be it, the day I finally make an Ottolenghi recipe that’s just plain off. And, without fail, we sit down to something so spectacular in a way I hadn’t even considered before, I’m in awe of his talent and relieved that I ignored every instinct not to follow his recipe faithfully.

pasta, buffalo mozzarella, vinegar, oil, zucchini, lemon, capers, parsley, basil

This was no different. It looks like a basic pesto pasta, doesn’t it? But it’s not really. Sure, there’s basil and olive oil. But it lacks the other ingredients of pesto genovese — garlic, toasted pignoli and parmesan. Instead, basil is blended with flat-leaf parsley, and the zest of a whole lemon, tablespoons of capers and torn chunks of fresh mozzarella are stirred in. The star of the show is three zucchini, cut into thin discs, fried until golden and then soaked in a bit of red wine vinegar to make something that’s neither crisp nor chip-like nor pickled but more intruiguing than all three. And then there’s the edamame, yes, the soybeans popular in East Asian dishes, here in a pasta-pesto combo. I couldn’t do it! It was too strange to me and I became bent on securing fresh shelling peas, which I think would be fantastic here, only to leave the Greenmarket in a pout (likely because I was still carrying 10+ pounds of things I hadn’t intended to buy, as always) because they’re not in yet.

zucchini in thin slices

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© smitten kitchen 2006-2012. | permalink to pasta and fried zucchini salad | 178 comments to date | see more: Pasta, Peas, Photo, Salad, Summer, Summer Squash, Vegetarian, Zucchini

20 Jun 20:35

valerie’s french chocolate cake

by deb

valerie's french chocolate cake

My friend Valerie makes one chocolate cake. No, I don’t mean one chocolate cake for school birthday cupcakes and one for grown-up dinner parties, one for wedding cakes and one for really decadent layer cakes, one for roulades and one for a Thursday afternoon, just because. I mean just one recipe. She serves it plain to guests after dinner, she makes it when she hears it’s your birthday and she stacks, and coats it hypercolored frosting and studs it with superheroes for her kids’ birthdays.

what you'll need
melted chocolate and butter

It’s incredibly simple, just butter (she’s French, so bien sûr), dark chocolate, sugar, flour, a bit of baking powder and her secret ingredient: water. A spoonful or two here and another there creates a decadent crumb you won’t read about in any cookbook. Sure, you could use milk or maybe replace a spoonful with some kirsch but she does not so I do not. The whole thing, save some hand-whisked egg yolks and machine-whipped egg whites (which gives it an airy lift and almost crackly meringue of a lid), is mixed in the pot where you melt the chocolate. It bakes in 30 minutes, which is convenient when your afternoon is rerouted, and tastes amazing. And I bet she regrets ever giving me the recipe.

stir the flour right in

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© smitten kitchen 2006-2012. | permalink to valerie’s french chocolate cake | 166 comments to date | see more: Cake, Chocolate, French, Photo

06 Jun 09:33

Oh hello, summer.

by bridget {bake at 350}
We had friends over for dinner a few weeks ago.  I'm not sure why this is such a rare occurrence.  No matter where we lived growing up, my parents belonged to a dinner favorite was called "Grub Club." Our house was frequently filled with people, or were heading somewhere, to share a meal.  I'm convinced this is because it was in the days BEFORE Martha Stewart Living and Pinterest.

{Don't get me wrong, I love me some Martha and have spent approximately 192,000 hours of my life on Pinterest.}, back to us actually having friends over.  I did not take pictures of the food.  Except for this one of margarita making in progress with my phone:
make-ahead margaritas for a crowd from @bakeat350
It looks really pretty on my phone, not so much on the computer.  I thought about waiting to post this recipe until I had "real" pictures, but then NEED margaritas.  Like, pronto!  There is no waiting.  It's summer!!!

print recipe photo printrecipe.jpg

Make-Ahead Margaritas for a Crowd

{serves 8-10}

2 cups water
2 cups sugar
2 cups freshly squeezed lime juice (approximately 74 limes, ha!)
2 cups tequila (100% agave)
1 cup Cointreau

sugar-salt rim:
1 TBSP granulated sugar
1 TBSP kosher salt
zest of one lime (preferably grated with a microplane)
lime wedges

Heat the water and sugar together in a small saucepan until the sugar has completely dissolved.  Set aside to cool.

In a large pitcher, combine the cooled sugar syrup, lime juice, tequila, and Cointreau.  Stir well.  Refrigerate.

Make the sugar-salt rim.  On a small plate, stir together the sugar, salt, and lime zest.

To make the margaritas, run a lime wedge along the edge of a glass.  Dip the glass into the sugar-salt mixture.  Fill the glass with ice.  Stir the margarita mix and pour over ice.

{recipe adapted from Martha Stewart & Food Network}

PS. You may want to double this recipe...we ran out!  
That's the sign of a good dinner party (not poor planning on my part), right?!? 

19 May 21:40

Vocabulário Ortográfico Comum está disponível na internet

by Booktailors

«O Instituto Internacional da Língua Portuguesa (IILP) lançou esta segunda-feira [ontem], pela primeira vez, uma versão pública do Vocabulário Ortográfico Comum (VOC). O documento, disponível a partir de terça-feira (...), define de forma conjunta a aplicação do Acordo de 1990 nos países de língua oficial portuguesa.» Ler no Correio da Manhã.
15 May 10:52

Overnight Oats

by colher-de-pau
Antes de mais, o que é que são as “overnight oats”? Bem, como o nome indica são flocos de aveia (oats) que ficam durante a noite (overnight) no frigorífico. Mas não são só os flocos de aveia. Juntamos outras coisas boas, como fruta, iogurte e sementes e temos um pequeno almoço fantástico que mais parece sobremesa.
A receita não é uma criação minha e, apesar de agora ser uma “tendência”, com conheço-a há anos. Acho até que a primeira vez que ouvi falar em tal coisa foi com o Jamie Oliver e o seu famoso programa de televisão “ The Naked Chef”. De qualquer maneira, se querem sempre diferentes sugestões para as vossas overnight oats, basta escreverem no Google e irão ver a quantidade de diferentes referência que vos aparecem.
A receita base é muito simples, e o melhor desta receita é permitir variar todos os dias conforme o que temos em casa. São sempre diferentes e sempre saborosas.
Ficam deliciosas com frutos vermelhos e iogurte grego com raspa de lima, com banana, canela e iogurte natural nem se fala, e com nozes, iogurte e mel são divinais. Mas maçã ralada e canela são também outra das minhas combinações favoritas.
Deixo-vos a receita base. Experimentem e descubram as vossas favoritas!

Ingredientes para 1 pessoa:

1º camada
3 colheres de sopa de flocos de aveia finos
2 colheres de sopa de leite

2º camada
Fruta a gosto (maçã ralada, frutos vermelhos, morangos, banana em rodelas, kiwi, manga em pedaços…..)

3º camada
Iogurte (podem usar qualquer tipo de iogurte, natural, grego, de sabores, magro, sem açúcar… desde que não seja líquido.)

Sementes (chia, linhaça, sésamo, abóbora, girassol)
Frutos secos (nozes, amêndoas, avelãs….)
Canela em pó
Raspa de lima, limão ou laranja
açúcar, mel ou adoçante


Num frasco hermético (que pode ser um frasco de compota com tampa lavado e esterilizado) coloquem os flocos de aveia e o leite e deixem uns minutos para que a aveia comece a embeber o leite. Sobre a aveia coloquem a fruta a gosto de modo a formar uma camada uniforme - neste caso juntei frutos vermelhos que estavam congelados .
Entretanto misture o iogurte (eu prefiro iogurtes naturais, gregos ou normais e sem açúcar, mas pode juntar depois um pouco de açúcar) com sementes de linhaça previamente trituradas e um pouco de raspa de lima. Envolva bem e coloque por cima dos frutos.
Tape o frasco e leve ao frigorífico durante a noite.
De manhã, basta retirar, (e se quiser misturar alguns frutos secos) misturar tudo e comer diretamente do frasco.
Sobremesa ao pequeno almoço.
(Hoje, a versão de overnight oats que estou a comer tem frutos vermelhos, raspa de lima, iogurte grego natural com um bocadinho de adoçante e mais raspa de lima e sabe a cheesecake!)

Bom Apetite!
15 May 10:50

Chips de Maçã

by colher-de-pau
Sou completamente viciada nestes chips de maçã. Basicamente é maçã desidratada no forno, que se torna crocante e fica realmente deliciosos, é um snack bastante saudável, desde que uma pessoa perceba que se tem de controlar a quantidade de fruta que come, não pode comer indiscriminada mente.
Depois de fazer os chips de maçã guardo-as em caixas herméticas e gosto de preparar granola ou muesli com eles e comer com iogurte.
Gosto de juntar um bocadinho aos cereais ou aveia para um toque doce e crocante.
O melhor de tudo é que muito fácil de fazer. Quem se aventura a experimentar?


6 maçãs


Lave bem as maçãs e retire-lhes o caroço com a ajuda de um descaroçador próprio. Corte-as depois em rodelas finas com a ajuda de uma faca. (Pode também usar uma mandolina, mas não corte as fatias demasiado finas…)
Forre três ou quatro tabuleiros com papel vegetal e disponha as fatias de maçãs, sem as sobrepor, sobre o papel vegetal, e leve ao forno previamente aquecido a 100, 120ºC (com ventoinha, se o seu forno tiver), durante cerca de 1h30.
Ao fim desse tempo retire as rodelas de maçã, eu já estão desidratadas e deixe-as arrefecer completamente.(Ao arrefecerem totalmente é que se tornam verdadeiramente crocantes!) Guarde-as depois num frasco ou saco hermético. Atenção que o ar torna-as moles.
Coma como um snack saudável, ou prepare granolas e muesli com as suas chips demaçã.

Bom Apetite!
15 May 10:43

Repeat after me...

by bridget {bake at 350}
"Do not bake cookies before dinner. Do not bake cookies before dinner. Do not bake cookies before dinner..."
banana nut cookies ... perfect for dessert OR breakfast ... banana bread in cookie form!
Today was one of those days.  You know those days when you're just HUNGRY all day?  Not the best day to decide to make a batch of cookies *before* dinner.  I won't tell you how many of these cookies I consumed (I lost count), or how much of the cookie dough I tested (probably illegal)...let's just say,  it wasn't a good idea.

What WAS a good idea, though, was this recipe.  Whenever anyone asks what my favorite kind of cookie is, I don't hesitate.  I always answer "chocolate chip."  But...if you were to have asked me at 7:34 this evening, I would have answered "Banana Nut Cookies."
banana nut cookies ... perfect for dessert OR breakfast ... banana bread in cookie form!

These cookies combine the best of both worlds....banana bread and cookies.  

Heck, I'm perfectly ok with you slathering them with butter.  (I'm so glad I didn't think of that as I was inhaling them earlier.)

If you're into cookies for breakfast (and if you are, I like you so much), these make the ideal candidates. 
banana nut cookies ... perfect for dessert OR breakfast ... banana bread in cookie form!
print recipe photo printrecipe.jpg
Banana Nut Cookies
{makes about 50 cookies}

2 & 1/4 cups unbleached, all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon coarse salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1/3 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste (or extract)
1 cup mashed bananas
1/2 cup chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 350.   Line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper.

Whisk the flour, baking powder, salt, baking soda, and nutmeg together.  Set aside.

With an electric mixer, cream together the shortening and sugar.  Add in the eggs and vanilla bean paste; mix well.

Beat in half of the bananas, then half of the flour mixture.  Repeat.  Stir in the pecans.

Scoop 2 teaspoon dollops (I use a 2-teaspoon cookie scoop) onto the prepared pans.  Bake for 10 minutes or until the tops bounce back when lightly pressed.

banana nut cookies ... perfect for dessert OR breakfast ... banana bread in cookie form!
Cool on the sheets for 1-2 minutes, then remove to a cooling rack to cool completely.

{adapted from a sweet vintage cookbook, Cooking for Young Homemakers, copyright 1959}

banana nut cookies ... perfect for dessert OR breakfast ... banana bread in cookie form!
Do not make until AFTER you've eaten dinner.  The end.

13 May 13:27

three-bean chili

by deb

three-bean chili

In my fantasy recipe-writing league, I’d cover everything, a million questions you hadn’t even thought to ask yet. Every recipe would work on a stove, slowly braised in the oven, on a grill, in a slow-cooker, a pressure-cooker, on a train, in a car, or in a tree. You could make the vegetarian carnivorous, the carnivorous paleo, the gluten-full gluten-free, the sour cream could always be swapped yogurt which could always be swapped with buttermilk, or milk and lemon, or soy milk and vinegar. We’d find a way to put kale in everything. You could use flat-leaf parsley instead of cilantro (because cilantro is the devil’s herb, naturally) or none of the above, because green flecks = grounds for dinnertime dismissal. We’d make food that your picky spouse, your pasta-eating kid, and your pesky fad-dieting house guests would applaud at every meal, and all of those promises made by food writers greater than myself in tomes more epic than this blog of food bringing people together for the happiest part of everyone’s day would be made good on at last.

what you'll need
how to get things started

Of course, I’d also write about one recipe a year. Despite understanding this, sometimes I get carried away with The Dream of this kind of recipe-writing. I make Lasagna Bolognese with homemade noodles (but you can use store-bought), homemade bechamel (but you can use ricotta; just don’t tell me about it), and bolognese with milk, wine or both. We make Hot Fudge Sundae Cake for crazy people (everything, down to the cookie crumb filling, homemade) or for people with a life (everything, down to the cookie crumb filling, store-bought). We make Lazy Pizza Dough on three different schedules, whatever your orbit demands that week. And in this episode, I found as many ways as I could dream up to make a three-bean chili, so nobody would have an excuse not to make it.

cooking the dry spices, indian-style

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© smitten kitchen 2006-2012. | permalink to three-bean chili | 154 comments to date | see more: Beans, Photo, Slow Cooker, Stew, Tex-Mex, Vegan, Vegetarian

13 May 13:26

baked eggs with spinach and mushrooms

by deb

baked eggs with spinach and mushrooms

My brunch arsenal, the dishes I’ve made enough times that they no longer cause any furrowed brows — a core entertaining principle here at House Smitten Kitchen (sigil: cast-iron skillet) — is as follows: bacon (always roasted in the oven, I mean, unless you were hoping to mist yourself with eau de pork belly*); some sort of fruit salad (either mixed berries and vanilla bean-scented yogurt or mixed citrus segments, sometimes with mint and feta); buttermilk biscuits; a pitcher of Bloody Marys, a bottle of champagne and a couple carafes of freshly-squeezed grapefruit or orange juice, blood orange whenever available; something sweet (our current favorite) and eggs. As I dictated years ago, everything that can be made in advance should be, thus pancakes, individually fried slices of French toast, omelets and even eggs baked in ramekins, adorable as they may be, are verboten. I’ve been there, I’ve done that, and it’s always the worst.

so much baby spinach
wilted spinach

In the egg category, my favorite for ease and laze is this spinach and cheese strata, however, if I have even 15 additional minutes at my disposal (which, let’s be honest, I do, especially when I spend less time here) remains these baked eggs with spinach and mushrooms. We talked about it, oh, seven years ago, but it’s been so buried in the archives, literally three recipes deep with a single hideous photo, that I’m long overdue to unearth it. At the time, I was charmed by how incredible something so wholesome could taste. These days, I’d add to its list of charms: vegetarian, gluten/grain-free, as good for a weeknight dinner as it is a weekend brunch dish, and oh, did I mention that it looks like an Easter egg basket? That’s a recent development.

add the mushrooms

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© smitten kitchen 2006-2012. | permalink to baked eggs with spinach and mushrooms | 187 comments to date | see more: Breakfast, Easter, Eggs, Gluten-Free, Mushrooms, Spinach, Vegetarian

13 May 13:26

blue sky bran muffins

by deb

blue sky bran muffins

I am likely the last person in New York City to learn about Blue Sky Bakery muffins, and it’s all my fault because I wasn’t paying attention. Why would you, really? Most coffee shops don’t sell muffins worth noting. You can only audition so many flavorless, greasy, tight-crumbed, massive metallic-tasting muffins before not even looking in bakery cases when you go in for your morning fix. Four year-olds, however, are not suspicious — they are insistent. So, one morning over spring break (something you dread when you’re in preschool, live for in high school and college, and I’m sorry to admit, lightly dread again as a parent), when I tried to make the most of our more leisurely mornings with excursions, we got in the terrible habit of splitting one of their fruit-filled bran muffins each morning and by the end of the week, we were so addicted that I had to make them at home.


It’s no surprise that a bakery that takes their muffins as seriously as Park Slope’s Blue Sky does produces such excellent ones. In a video on Serious Eats, founder Erik Goetze notes that “most bakery muffins are made by just going through the motions, either in an industrial factory-type muffin-making operation or whether people are making so many things, they cannot focus on what makes a great muffin,” which he outlines as moist, having a nice peak to it and, ideally, straight from the oven when it’s still crisp and crunchy on top, and when opened, a little curl of steam comes out of it.

what you'll need

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© smitten kitchen 2006-2012. | permalink to blue sky bran muffins | 277 comments to date | see more: Breakfast, Muffin/Quick Bread, Photo

13 Dec 17:12

pink lemonade popsicles

by deb

pink lemonade popsicles

[It's the last chapter of Popsicle Week, wherein I admitted that I had something of a popsicle incident this summer, wherein incident = gotta a little carried away, made too many and couldn't let summer end without sharing the queue with you. This is Popsicle 3 of 3.]

I began this summer of accidental popsicle obsession by saying that growing up, we made popsicles by pouring orange juice (created with or without manual labor) into these molds, letting them freeze and eating them outside so we didn’t sticky up the kitchen floor. And yet, when I first bought my popsicles molds a year ago, did I put juice in them? No. I had to make things really, really complicated. Banana purees, Nutella and salted pistachios. Strawberries, lime, black pepper and sometimes white tequila. Key lime pie filling rolled in graham cracker crumbs. Butterscotch. Pudding. Pops.

raspberries, lemons, go!
scene of raspberry violence

It seems only right and proper that I end* Popsicle Week with a riff on the same frozen juice popsicle. But, you know, I couldn’t use just any juice, it had to be lemonade, which to me is the quintessential sitting at a picnic table in a beach town icy drink to slurp through a straw while being unable to consider a single other thing on this earth that previously felt urgent, as we did yesterday afternoon on our Maine vacation.

straining the raspberry puree

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© smitten kitchen 2006-2012. | permalink to pink lemonade popsicles | 102 comments to date | see more: Lemon, Photo, Raspberries, Summer

13 Dec 17:11

lazy pizza dough + favorite margherita pizza

by deb

most perfect homemade margherita pizza yet

Raise your hand if you never get pizza right when you make it at home — that the dough doesn’t rise in the time the recipe says it should or it’s impossible to roll out; or that you get it rolled out but once baked, it tastes less like a good pizza crust and more like a tough cracker. Or maybe the opposite happens, that it’s so thick and bready, it reminds you more of a bagel, and sadly, not in a good way. Raise your hand if it never resembles the stuff from you favorite wood-wired pizzeria, all bubbled and crisp but stretchy within, with charred spots throughout and slices that don’t flop like overcooked spaghetti once lifted, sauce and cheese sliding away from you just when you need them in your mouth the most.

bowl, flour, yeast, salt, water (so easy)regular old flour will doadd the yeasta quick stir makes a craggy mess
the dough will more than doublemany hours later, long stretchy strandsflop onto a floured counterdivide the dough into the # of pizzas

Me, me, me, me, me. I suspect that all home cooks have a few demon dishes, things they make a million times and are never fully satisfied with, but are still so obsessed that they can never resist a new angle or tactic that promises to bring them closer to their ideal. However, they’re usually normal things, common plagues like roast chicken, perfect buttermilk biscuits or brownies. I realize that it’s entirely possible that you can’t believe I’m talking about pizza again. But I can’t help it. I’ve been cheating on every pizza recipe I’ve made before and I think you should do the same.

mold them into loose ballsthis dough is very softflop the soft dough downjust stretch it into place

... Read the rest of lazy pizza dough + favorite margherita pizza on

© smitten kitchen 2006-2012. | permalink to lazy pizza dough + favorite margherita pizza | 481 comments to date | see more: Photo, Pizza

15 Nov 16:56

procrastinaut: Getting it...


Getting it done.



If at first you don’t succeed, redefine success.

I reblogged this at like 4am and I’ve spent the whole day thinking about it and randomly laughing

17 Sep 10:00

lovenerdeen: Hey, Urban outfitters. Thanks for taking our form...


Hey, Urban outfitters. Thanks for taking our form of resistance and turning into fashion! You regularly endorse cultural appropriation, so this shouldn’t be an issue for you. There’s literally just one Keffiyeh factory left in Palestine due to the occupation yet ‘fashion’ is popularizing it again and now you can sell it for $115 while Palestinians get absolutely nothing and you can wear our struggle as a fashion on your shirt. 
When we wear them we’re terrorists.
When you wear them, you’re edgy.

01 Sep 12:33


by ladybird13
28 Aug 09:21

tumblr_mdt75ekvjs1qdlh1io1_500.gif (imagen GIF, 450 × 318 píxeles)

by kndll
23 Aug 10:13

I'm not wordy

by speero
10 Aug 10:17

strawberry, lime and black pepper popsicles

by deb

strawberry-lime, black pepper

I had these popsicle molds for 14 months before using them once, yet in the weeks since I used them for the first time, I’ve made three other varieties and considered doing a 5-day week of posts here exclusively devoted to popsicle offerings. I’ve basically fallen down a popsicle rabbit hole so deep, now every time I see something that looks good, I think, I wonder how that would taste as a popsicle. (My family’s looking nervous around me, understandably.)

strawberries, hulled and quartered
macerating with sugar

So, what changed? First, I realized that they hold 1/3 cup each. One-third of a cup! Do you know how little that is? You could literally stuff it with the most indulgent Ben & Jerry’s and still come in under their suggested serving size, while eating something that felt generous. Not that we’re going to do that. Yet. I also realized that all of the headaches that most iced frozen desserts involve — egg yolk custards, buckets of leftover egg whites, freezer bowls, the churning of machines so loud and groaning that we used to (seriously) lock in the bathroom so we didn’t have to hear it, only to have another two hours of freezer time to go — do not exist in Popsicle Land, a magical place where all concoctions freeze perfectly and but six hours stand between you and your next indulgence-on-a-stick. Finally, seeing as we recently decided it would be a really good idea to buy a white carpet, I especially love that at least the ones I’ve been making aren’t terribly drippy. As they’re mostly fruit purees and other thick things, they don’t so much melt back to a watery state when someone (not naming names) takes an hour to finish one.

a brief simmer to further limpen them

... Read the rest of strawberry, lime and black pepper popsicles on

© smitten kitchen 2006-2012. | permalink to strawberry, lime and black pepper popsicles | 149 comments to date | see more: Lime, Photo, Popsicles, Strawberries, Summer

10 Aug 10:13


10 Aug 10:13


04 Aug 17:04

Carpe Diem | via Tumblr

Carpe Diem | via Tumblr
04 Aug 10:35

martinekenblog: From ROM for Art + Architecture in Oslo,...


From ROM for Art + Architecture in Oslo, Norway, on their new, incredible light installation: Submergence is a highly immersive, Mixed Reality experience that challenges perceptions of space and presence. Imagine walking through a virtual world, where pixels on a screen are replaced by thousands of points of light floating in space. Imagine that these points of light create environments, atmospheres and physical spaces that you can enter, affect, immerse yourself in.

 This is Submergence. A new project by digital arts collective Squidsoup. 8,064 points of light suspended in a physical walkthrough space. Submergence takes Squidsoup’s fascination with hybrid immersive spaces to a new level. It is the culmination of a five year research project exploring interactive media experiences that occupy physical space.

26 Jul 11:05

Eatsy: Salt and Vinegar Chips

by Adrianna Adarme handmade and vintage goods

Photo by Adrianna Adarme

This season I’ve made an extra effort to enjoy all things summer. There have been beach days, various frozen cocktails, a trip to the desert and even some s’mores. One summer treat that I absolutely love is lobster rolls — with a side of salt and vinegar chips, of course. When I think of salt and vinegar chips, visions of sailboats, American flags waving in the wind, and the shoreline of Maine come to mind. My sad reality? I’ve never been to Maine. But that doesn’t stop me from making lobster rolls, oyster sliders and salt and vinegar chips at home. I can do it! And so can you.

Frying at home can be a bit of a pain, but it’s definitely made easier with a candy or digital thermometer. Investing in one was one of the best (or worst) decisions I’ve made — it makes frying at home a breeze. Fun fact: I ended up having to make a second batch of these chips to photograph because the first batch was eaten by me, alone, while standing in my kitchen. I’m officially addicted.

Sea Salt and Vinegar Chips
Yields about 60 chips

3-4 (2 pounds) Russet potatoes, peeled
Oil of choice (peanut, safflower or vegetable oil all work well)
Malt vinegar
Maldon sea salt

Digital thermometer


1. Using a mandoline, slice the potatoes very thin, about 1/8-inch thick. Transfer the potato slices to a bowl and cover them with cold water. Soak the potatoes for 1 hour. This will wash off the starch and help with getting the nice and crispy chips. Drain the potatoes, drying them thoroughly. (To dry the potatoes, I like giving them a spin in a salad spinner and then dry them a bit more using a few paper towels.)

2. Heat 4 inches of oil in a heavy-bottomed pot to 325˚ Fahrenheit. When the oil is hot, carefully add the potato slices, being sure not to overcrowd the pot. Cook for 3-4 minutes until the potato chips are lightly golden brown. Remove the chips using a slotted spoon or a spider strainer and drain on a bed of paper towels. Sprinkle the chips with a few dashes of malt vinegar and a few pinches of sea salt. Repeat the process of frying, cooking and garnishing until you’ve worked your way through all of the potato slices.


All photos by Adrianna Adarme.

Adrianna Adarme is a recipe blogger and content producer living in Los Angeles. She writes the blog A Cozy Kitchen, where she shares comforting, easy, everyday recipes from her kitchen.

22 Jul 09:49

AHHHHH!!!! | via Tumblr

AHHHHH!!!!  | via Tumblr
21 Jul 11:16


19 Jul 11:19


19 Jul 11:18

thegoddamazon: This is my favorite GIF ever.


This is my favorite GIF ever.