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12 Mar 05:47


by 无可奉告










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30 Jul 16:58


by 皮卡啾

这些超精美的小猫刺绣衬衫出自11区奈良一位拥有5个孩子的妈妈Hiroko Kubota之手。各种举止神态的猫咪们爬上了衬衫的口袋,就像口袋里装着一只小猫,为原本单调的白色衬衫增添了更加灵动的元素~~
















27 Feb 20:53


by 科学家种太阳


在心理学领域内,对个体行为进行分析和描述的众多理论中,计划行为理论(Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB)是其中影响较大、体系相对较完整的理论模型之一。研究者认为,人的行为主要受内部动机和外部动机影响,前者表现为个体态度,后者表现为社会主观规范,两者共同决定了个体最终的行为决策——并以此提出了理性行为理论(Theory of Reasoned Action, TRA)。



一 行为态度




这全都是因为“亲子参照效应”(parent-child-reference effect)。亲子参照效应是自我参照效应(self-reference effect)的延伸和扩展。一个人进行字形及语义加工的记忆任务时,与自我相关联的字词,记忆成绩会更好——这就是自我参照效应的作用。实际上,那些与自己较为亲密的他人相关的字词,记忆成绩也会更好。研究者认为,这是由于个体通过建立亲密关系,而将他人包括进了自我的表征之中。




20世纪60年代,心理学家扎荣茨(Robert Zajonc)进行了一系列实验室实验,证明只要让被试多次看到不熟悉的刺激,他们对该刺激的评价就要高于其他没看过的类似刺激。这就是所谓的简单曝光效应(the mere exposure effect),越熟悉的事就越有好感。其背后的原因也很简单:大脑认知加工陌生事物时,需要付出更多的精力,比较累;而加工那些相对熟悉的事物时,就轻松许多,于是会觉得“如沐春风”。所以当看到与自己生活经验不符的情况时,父母就会觉得你可能出了问题,于是催促你赶快结婚吧。



1. 自私的心理补偿机制


2. 邪恶的嫉妒心理




二 主观规范




因为证实偏差(Confirmation Bias)。证实偏差是决策偏差的一种,英国心理学家皮特·沃森(Peter Wason)最早提出这一概念,说的是人们有意或无意地寻找支持自己看法的证据,忽略不支持自己观点的意见,并将模棱两可的信息向着有利于自己立场的方向进行解释,甚至不惜花费时间和资源贬低与相反观点。父母那一辈人基于自己的生活经验,预设了结婚才能幸福的假设,而后只记住了那些幸福的已婚者和不幸的单身狗,越来越强化这一观点,于是逼迫你结婚。



因为社会认同(Social Identity)。社会认同是指群体行为中表现出来的内群体偏好(in-group favoritism)和外群体偏见(out-group derogation)。社会心理学家塔杰菲尔(Henry Tajfel)认为,社会认同是指“个体通过自我觉察,意识到自己属于特定的社会群体,同时也认识到群体成员这一身份带给自己的价值和情感意义”。个体获取社会认同的主要目的是减少主观不确定性,获取积极的自我评价,提升自尊。基于对“儿大当婚,女大当嫁”这样传统价值观的认同,父母觉得结婚的才是 “正常人”,而将一直不结婚的人看作“异类”。他们当然不希望你也变成异类中的一员,因此盼着你早点结婚。




因为社会比较(Social Comparison)。社会比较最早由社会心理学家里昂·费斯廷格(Leon Festinger)提出。他认为,个体有一种内驱力,希望将自己的观点和能力与他人进行比较,从而获取有关自身观点和能力的评价。人们通过与和自己类似的人平行比较,来更准确地评价自己(evaluate self);通过和比自己差的人向下比较,来提升自己(enhance self);通过和比自己好的人向上比较,来提高自己(improve self)。然而,由于人类在认知过程中更重视负面和消极的信息,因此社会比较往往会导致自我评价降低和自我威胁感知。俗话说人比人,气死人,都是因为你这个不肖子孙连个婚都结不了,爹妈才觉得自己在同辈人中简直抬不起头来。可问题是,别人都还在看果壳网呢,你们跟别人比点儿这种好的行不行啊!

三 知觉行为控制







自我评价是指个体对自己思想、愿望、行为和个性特点的判断和评价,是自我意识(self awareness)的主要组成部分之一。人类通过外界的反馈来认识自己、评价自己,并帮助自己保持内在一致性,决定个人对经验怎样解释以及决定人们的期望。首先,随着年龄的增长,父母这辈人在工作环境中逐渐从核心骨干慢慢边缘化,在信息爆炸劳动力剧增的变革中话语权快速丧失;其次,上一代人由于社会环境和时代背景的局限,普遍没什么业余爱好来填充逐渐空洞的日常生活;最后,父母早已习惯了子女在幼年时作为附属品或“宠物”般的存在,对自己言听计从、百依百顺。而逐步成长起来的子女试图摆脱父母的控制,寻求自身的独立,一直都大包大揽的父母无法面对“空巢”后留下的内心空虚。在连番打击下,父母难免会自我评价降低,并且急于提高。就算没法再次扮演时代弄潮儿,重新奏响改革主旋律,管教一下子女总是可以的。于是,不逼你结婚,逼谁?不是你结婚,谁结?你不结婚,干嘛?




质疑权威其实并不像人们平时提倡的那样受到鼓励,特别是在中国这样的高权力距离的传统文化背景下。权力距离(Power Distance)由著名的跨文化研究和管理学专家,荷兰学者霍夫斯泰德(Geert Hofstede)提出,用于描述一个国家的机构或组织(例如家庭、学校、社区、工作场所等)中,弱势成员对于权力分配不平等的期待和接受程度。霍夫斯泰德使用权力距离指数(Power Distance Index, PDI)来描述不同国家的差异,得分界定为0到100之间。权力距离越高,个体越认同社会中存在的权力不平等,甚至觉得这是一件好事,同时社会流动性也越差,这种现象常见于亚洲、非洲、东欧、中东、拉丁美洲等集体主义文化的国家,中国的PDI得分为80分;相反,权力距离越低,整体社会对于权力不平等的容忍度就越低,就越关注个体是否拥有相对平等的机会,这种现象常见于美国、加拿大、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰等信奉个人主义的国家,美国的PDI得分为40分。






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  16. Suls, J., Martin, R., Wheeler, I., 2002. Social Comparison: Why, with whom, and with what effect? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11(5): 159-163.
  17. Tajfel, H. & Turner, J. C. (1986). The social identity theory of intergroup behavior. In S. Worchel & Austin (Eds.). Psychology of intergroup relations (pp. 7–24). Chicago: Nelson-Hall.
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  19. Wason, P. C. (1960). On the failure to eliminate hypotheses in a conceptual task.  Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 01(12), 1292-1400.
  20. Wason, P. C. (1966). Reasoning In New Horizons in Psychology. Penguin, Hammond worth, UK.
  21. Yan, Y. X. (1996). The Culture of Guanxi in a North China Village. The China Journal, 35, 1-25.
  22. 杨国枢, 余安邦. (1993). 中国人的心理与行为——理念及方法篇 (pp. 87-142). 台北: 桂冠图书公司.
  23. 杨帅, 黄希庭, 傅于玲. (2012). 内侧前额叶皮质——“自我”的神经基础. 心理科学进展, 20(6), 853–862.
  24. 杨帅, 黄希庭, 陈有国等. (2014). 人际距离调节自我-他人的神经表征: 来自oFRN的证据. 心理学报, 46(5), 666–676.
  25. 尹娣. (2012). 亲子依恋对亲子参照效应的影响. 硕士学位论文, 浙江师范大学.
  26. Zajonc, R. B. (1968). Attitudinal Effects of Mere Exposure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 9, 1-27.


面对熊孩子、亲戚逼婚、爆竹震天响、本命年红裤衩、亲戚买的不靠谱保健品 ,该怎么过好这个春节?来果壳专区和小伙伴们一起想辙!


  1. 秀恩爱,更恩爱
  2. 共度“13-14”:科学迷的10大结婚誓词
  3. 还不让那极品变成前任?
  4. 为何情人节会变成“情人劫”
  5. 先捂热,再调情
  6. 认知偏差:人类是怎样通过犯错误来适应世界的?
  7. 恋爱问题多?积极点,开口说
  8. 【情人节特稿】3条建议助你浪漫一天
  9. 有孩子会让人更幸福吗?
  10. 拥抱还是家暴:催产素的阴暗面
  11. 80分美女没人爱?
  12. 性格能互补,恋爱更幸福
25 Feb 21:43

Cracking the Confusion: Encryption Decision Tree

This is the final post in this series. If you want to track it through the entire editing process, you can follow along and contribute on GitHub. You can read the first post, and find the other posts under “related posts” in full article view.

Choosing the Best Option

There is no way to fully cover all the myriad factors in picking a specific encryption option in a (relatively) short paper like this, so we compiled a visual decision tree to at least get you into the right bucket.

Here are a few notes on the decision tree.

  • This isn’t exhaustive but should get you looking at the right set of technologies.
  • In all cases you will want secure external key management.
  • In general, for discreet data you want to encrypt as high in the stack as possible. When you don’t need as much separation of duties, encrypting lower may be easier and more cost effective.
  • For both database and cloud encryption, in a few cases we recommend you encrypt in the application instead.
  • When we list multiple options the order of preference is top to bottom.
  • As you use this tree keep the Three Laws in mind, since they help guide the security value of your decision.

Encryption Decision Tree

Once you understand how encryption systems work, the different layers where you can encrypt, and how they combine to improve security (or not), it’s usually relatively easy to pick the right approach.

The hard part is to then architect and implement the encryption technology and integrate it into your data center, application, or cloud service. That’s where our other encryption research can be valuable, and the following reports should help:

- Rich (2) Comments Subscribe to our daily email digest
14 Feb 23:44


by 勇敢的阿黛拉女王陛下














15 Jul 15:48

Risks of Not Understanding a One-Way Function

by Bruce Schneier

New York City officials anonymized license plate data by hashing the individual plate numbers with MD5. (I know, they shouldn't have used MD5, but ignore that for a moment.) Because they didn't attach long random strings to the plate numbers -- i.e., salt -- it was trivially easy to hash all valid license plate numbers and deanonymize all the data.

Of course, this technique is not news.

ArsTechnica article. Hacker News thread.

15 Jul 15:40

This Common Home Appliance Can Compromise Your Entire Security

by Bruce Schneier

LIFX is a smart light bulb that can be controlled with your smart phone via your home's Wi-Fi network. Turns out that anyone within range can obtain the Wi-Fi password from the light bulb. It's a problem with the communications protocol.

16 Jun 21:38

The NSA is Not Made of Magic

by Bruce Schneier

I am regularly asked what is the most surprising thing about the Snowden NSA documents. It's this: the NSA is not made of magic. Its tools are no different from what we have in our world, it's just better-funded. X-KEYSCORE is Bro plus memory. FOXACID is Metasploit with a budget. QUANTUM is AirPwn with a seriously privileged position on the backbone. The NSA breaks crypto not with super-secret cryptanalysis, but by using standard hacking tricks such as exploiting weak implementations and default keys. Its TAO implants are straightforward enhancements of attack tools developed by researchers, academics, and hackers; here's a computer the size of a grain of rice, if you want to make your own such tools. The NSA's collection and analysis tools are basically what you'd expect if you thought about it for a while.

That, fundamentally, is surprising. If you gave a super-secret Internet exploitation organization $10 billion annually, you'd expect some magic. And my guess is that there is some, around the edges, that has not become public yet. But that we haven't seen any yet is cause for optimism.

15 May 19:41

What happens when an unstoppable PR force hits an NP-hard problem? The answer’s getting clearer

by Scott

Update (Jan. 23): Daniel Lidar, one of the authors of the “Defining and detecting…” paper, was kind enough to email me his reactions to this post.  While he thought the post was generally a “very nice summary” of their paper, he pointed out one important oversight in my discussion.  Ironically, this oversight arose from my desire to bend over backwards to be generous to D-Wave!  Specifically, I claimed that there were maybe ~10% of randomly-chosen 512-qubit problem instances on which the D-Wave Two slightly outperformed the simulated annealing solver (compared to ~75% where simulated annealing outperformed the D-Wave Two), while also listing several reasons (such as the minimum annealing time, and the lack of any characterization of the “good” instances) why that “speedup” is likely to be entirely an artifact.  I obtained the ~10% and ~75% figures by eyeballing Figure 7 in the paper, and looking at which quantiles were just above and just below the 100 line when N=512.

However, I neglected to mention that even the slight “speedup” on ~10% of instances, only appears when one looks at the “quantiles of ratio”: in other words, when one plots the probability distribution of [Simulated annealing time / D-Wave time] over all instances, and then looks at (say) the ~10% of the distribution that’s best for the D-Wave machine.  The slight speedup disappears when one looks at the “ratio of quantiles”: that is, when one (say) divides the amount of time that simulated annealing needs to solve its best 10% of instances, by the amount of time that the D-Wave machine needs to solve its best 10%.  And Rønnow et al. give arguments in their paper that ratio of quantiles is probably the more relevant performance comparison than quantiles of ratio.  (Incidentally, the slight speedup on a few instances also only appears for certain values of the parameter r, which controls how many possible settings there are for each coupling.  Apparently it appears for r=1, but disappears for r=3 and r=7—thereby heightening one’s suspicion that we’re dealing with an artifact of the minimum annealing time or something like that, rather than a genuine speedup.)

There’s one other important point in the paper that I didn’t mention: namely, all the ratios of simulated annealing time to D-Wave time are normalized by 512/N, where N is the number of spins in the instance being tested.  In this way, one eliminates the advantages of the D-Wave machine that come purely from its parallelism (which has nothing whatsoever to do with “quantumness,” and which could easily skew things in D-Wave’s favor if not controlled for), while still not penalizing the D-Wave machine in absolute terms.

A few days ago, a group of nine authors (Troels Rønnow, Zhihui Wang, Joshua Job, Sergio Boixo, Sergei Isakov, David Wecker, John Martinis, Daniel Lidar, and Matthias Troyer) released their long-awaited arXiv preprint Defining and detecting quantum speedup, which contains the most thorough performance analysis of the D-Wave devices to date, and which seems to me to set a new standard of care for any future analyses along these lines.  Notable aspects of the paper: it uses data from the 512-qubit machine (a previous comparison had been dismissed by D-Wave’s supporters because it studied the 128-qubit model only); it concentrates explicitly from the beginning on comparisons of scaling behavior between the D-Wave devices and comparable classical algorithms, rather than getting “sidetracked” by other issues; and it includes authors from both USC and Google’s Quantum AI Lab, two places that have made large investments in D-Wave’s machines and have every reason to want to see them succeed.

Let me quote the abstract in full:

The development of small-scale digital and analog quantum devices raises the question of how to fairly assess and compare the computational power of classical and quantum devices, and of how to detect quantum speedup. Here we show how to define and measure quantum speedup in various scenarios, and how to avoid pitfalls that might mask or fake quantum speedup. We illustrate our discussion with data from a randomized benchmark test on a D-Wave Two device with up to 503 qubits. Comparing the performance of the device on random spin glass instances with limited precision to simulated classical and quantum annealers, we find no evidence of quantum speedup when the entire data set is considered, and obtain inconclusive results when comparing subsets of instances on an instance-by-instance basis. Our results for one particular benchmark do not rule out the possibility of speedup for other classes of problems and illustrate that quantum speedup is elusive and can depend on the question posed.

Since the paper is exceedingly well-written, and since I have maybe an hour before I’m called back to baby duty, my inclination is simply to ask people to RTFP rather than writing yet another long blog post.  But maybe there are four points worth calling attention to:

  1. The paper finds, empirically, that the time needed to solve random size-N instances of the quadratic binary optimization (QUBO) problem on D-Wave’s Chimera constraint graph seems to scale like exp(c√N) for some constant c—and that this is true regardless of whether one attacks the problem using the D-Wave Two, quantum Monte Carlo (i.e., a classical algorithm that tries to mimic the native physics of the machine), or an optimized classical simulated annealing code.  Notably, exp(c√N) is just what one would have predicted from theoretical arguments based on treewidth; and the constant c doesn’t appear to be better for the D-Wave Two than for simulated annealing.
  2. The last sentence of the abstract (“Our results … do not rule out the possibility of speedup for other classes of problems”) is, of course, the reed on which D-Wave’s supporters will now have to hang their hopes.  But note that it’s unclear what experimental results could ever “rule out the possibility of speedup for other classes of problems.”  (No matter how many wrong predictions a psychic has made, the possibility remains that she’d be flawless at predicting the results of Croatian ping-pong tournaments…)  Furthermore, like with previous experiments, the instances tested all involved finding ground states for random coupling configurations of the D-Wave machine’s own architecture.  In other words, this was a set of instances where one might have thought, a priori, that the D-Wave machine would have an immense home-field advantage.  Thus, one really needs to look more closely, to see whether there’s any positive evidence for an asymptotic speedup by the D-Wave machine.
  3. Here, for D-Wave supporters, the biggest crumb the paper throws is that, if one considers only the ~10% of instances on which the D-Wave machine does best, then the machine does do slightly better on those instances than simulated annealing does.  (Conversely, simulated annealing does better than the D-Wave machine on the ~75% of instances on which it does best.)  Unfortunately, no one seems to know how to characterize the instances on which the D-Wave machine will do best: one just has to try it and see what happens!  And of course, it’s extremely rare that two heuristic algorithms will succeed or fail on exactly the same set of instances: it’s much more likely that their performances will be correlated, but imperfectly.  So it’s unclear, at least to me, whether this finding represents anything other than the “noise” that would inevitably occur even if one classical algorithm were pitted against another one.
  4. As the paper points out, there’s also a systematic effect that biases results in the D-Wave Two’s favor, if one isn’t careful.  Namely, the D-Wave Two has a minimum annealing time of 20 microseconds, which is often greater than the optimum annealing time, particularly for small instance sizes.  The effect of that is artificially to increase the D-Wave Two’s running time for small instances, and thereby make its scaling behavior look better than it really is.  The authors say they don’t know whether even the D-Wave Two’s apparent advantage for its “top 10% of instances” will persist after this effect is fully accounted for.

Those seeking something less technical might want to check out an excellent recent article in Inc. by Will Bourne, entitled “D-Wave’s dream machine” (“D-Wave thinks it has built the first commercial quantum computer.  Mother Nature has other ideas”).  Wisely, Bourne chose not to mention me at all in this piece.  Instead, he gradually builds a skeptical case almost entirely on quotes from people like Seth Lloyd and Daniel Lidar, who one might have thought would be more open to D-Wave’s claims.  Bourne’s piece illustrates that it is possible for the mainstream press to get the D-Wave story pretty much right, and that you don’t even need a physics background to do so: all you need is a willingness to commit journalism.

Oh.  I’d be remiss not to mention that, in the few days between the appearance of this paper and my having a chance to write this post, two other preprints of likely interest to the Shtetl-Optimized commentariat showed up on quant-ph.  The first, by a large list of authors mostly from D-Wave, is called Entanglement in a quantum annealing processor.  This paper presents evidence for a point that many skeptics (including me) had been willing to grant for some time: namely, that the states generated by the D-Wave machines contain some nonzero amount of entanglement.  (Note that, because of a technical property called “stoquasticity,” such entanglement is entirely compatible with the machines continuing to be efficiently simulable on a classical computer using Quantum Monte Carlo.)  While it doesn’t address the performance question at all, this paper seems like a perfectly fine piece of science.

From the opposite side of the (eigen)spectrum comes the latest preprint by QC skeptic Michel Dyakonov, entitled Prospects for quantum computing: Extremely doubtful.  Ironically, Dyakonov and D-Wave seem to agree completely about the irrelevance of fault-tolerance and other insights from quantum computing theory.  It’s just that D-Wave thinks QC can work even without the theoretical insights, whereas Dyakonov thinks that QC can’t work even with the insights.  Unless I missed it, there’s no new scientific content in Dyakonov’s article.  It’s basically a summary of some simple facts about QC and quantum fault-tolerance, accompanied by sneering asides about how complicated and implausible it all sounds, and how detached from reality the theorists are.

And as for the obvious comparisons to previous “complicated and implausible” technologies, like (say) classical computing, or heavier-than-air flight, or controlled nuclear fission?  Dyakonov says that such comparisons are invalid, because they ignore the many technologies proposed in previous eras that didn’t work.  What’s striking is how little he seems to care about why the previous technologies failed: was it because they violated clearly-articulated laws of physics?  Or because there turned out to be better ways to do the same things?  Or because the technologies were simply too hard, too expensive, or too far ahead of their time?  Supposing QC to be impossible, which of those is the reason for the impossibility?  Since we’re not asking about something “arbitrary” here (like teaching a donkey to read), but rather about the computational power of Nature itself, isn’t it of immense scientific interest to know the reason for QC’s impossibility?  How does Dyakonov propose to learn the reason, assuming he concedes that he doesn’t already know it?

(As I’ve said many times, I’d support even the experiments that D-Wave was doing, if D-Wave and its supporters would only call them for what they were: experiments.  Forays into the unknown.  Attempts to find out what happens when a particular speculative approach is thrown at NP-hard optimization problems.  It’s only when people obfuscate the results of those experiments, in order to claim something as “commercially useful” that quite obviously isn’t yet, that they leave the realm of science, and indeed walk straight into the eager jaws of skeptics like Dyakonov.)

Anyway, since we seem to have circled back to D-Wave, I’d like to end this post by announcing my second retirement as Chief D-Wave Skeptic.  The first time I retired, it was because I mistakenly thought that D-Wave had fundamentally changed, and would put science ahead of PR from that point forward.  (The truth seems to be that there were, and are, individuals at D-Wave committed to science, but others who remain PR-focused.)  This time, I’m retiring for a different reason: because scientists like the authors of the “Defining and detecting” preprint, and journalists like Will Bourne, are doing my job better than I ever did it.  If the D-Wave debate were the American Civil War, then my role would be that of the frothy-mouthed abolitionist pamphleteer: someone who repeats over and over points that are fundamentally true, but in a strident manner that serves only to alienate fence-sitters and allies.  As I played my ineffective broken record, the Wave Power simply moved from one triumph to another, expanding its reach to Google, NASA, Lockheed Martin, and beyond.  I must have looked like a lonely loon on the wrong side of history.

But today the situation is different.  Today Honest Abe and his generals (Honest Matthias and his coauthors?) are meeting the Wave Power on the battlefield of careful performance comparisons against Quantum Monte Carlo and simulated annealing.  And while the battles might continue all the way to 2000 qubits or beyond, the results so far are not looking great for the Wave Power.  The intractability of NP-complete problems—that which we useless, ivory-tower theorists had prophesied years ago, to much derision and laughter—would seem to be rearing its head.  So, now that the bombs are bursting and the spins decohering in midair, what is there for a gun-shy pampleteer like myself to do but sit back and watch it all play out?

Well, and maybe blog about it occasionally.  But not as “Chief Skeptic,” just as another interested observer.

06 Mar 06:02


by Ent


玛尔特·戈蒂耶(Marthe Gautier)

2014年1月31日,第七届人类医学遗传学大会一项原定的议程——颁奖表彰88岁高龄的玛尔特·戈蒂耶(Marthe Gautier)在发现21-三体综合征中做出的贡献——在外来的压力下被迫取消。这压力来自于意想不到的方向:热罗姆·勒热讷基金会(Jérôme Lejeune Foundation),一个旨在防止21-三体综合征和其他出生缺陷的基因会,且影响力不小。




















在颁奖取消之后3天,2月3日法国网站sciences.blogs.liberation.fr报道了这一事件,2月5日一位法国学生将这个报道转给了他的Coursera课程“有用的遗传学”,引起了授课老师Rosie Redfield的注意。在Redfield的宣传下,科学史的结论终于开始走入科学界和更广大的舆论,戈蒂耶也有了自己的英文维基页面。对于一位88岁的老人,正义来得太晚了一些,但是终归是来了。


Gautier, Marthe; Harper, Peter S. (2009). "Fiftieth anniversary of trisomy 21: returning to a discovery". Human Genetics 126 (2): 317–324. doi:10.1007/s00439-009-0690-1

27 Nov 04:09

Theorems From Physics?

by Pip

Can information physics extract proofs from reality?

IEEE source

Rolf Landauer was a physicist and computer engineer who spent most of his career at IBM north of New York City, becoming an IBM Fellow in 1969. According to his longtime colleague Charles Bennett, Landauer “did more than anyone else to establish the physics of information processing as a serious subject for scientific inquiry.” One was was his discovery and formulation of a principle connecting non-reversible computation steps and thermodynamic entropy, which according to Wikipedia’s article is widely accepted as a physical law.

Today Ken and I want to talk about the possible role of physical laws in generating proofs of complexity assertions, even {\mathsf{P \neq NP}} itself.

Recently we have heard of interest connecting {\mathsf{P \neq NP}}, plus the related topic of one-way functions, to Landauer’s principle itself. According to Bennett again, Landauer’s principle states:

[A]ny logically irreversible manipulation of information, such as the erasure of a bit or the merging of two computation paths, must be accompanied by a corresponding entropy increase in non-information bearing degrees of freedom of the information processing apparatus or its environment.

Bennett has defended this assertion against various objections. Last year a team from the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, the University of Augsburg, and the University of Kaiserslautern gave empirical support by measuring the tiny amount of energy released as heat when an individual bit is erased. See their article in Nature. Real computers today are said to operate within three orders of magnitude of the energy-efficiency limit which Landauer’s bound imposes. So we can envision a new kind of impossible physical machine: one that can erase bits more coolly. The question is whether any complexity assertion has a side—true or false—that would enable a violation of this bound, thus ‘proving’ the other side.

Physics and Math

The philosopher in us recoils dogmatically at the notion of such a “physical proof.” Complexity theory is part of mathematics, and mathematical theorems are not supposed to be contingent. This is a fancy philosophical term for propositions that are “true in some possible worlds and false in others.” In particular, the truth of a mathematical proposition is not supposed to depend on any empirical fact about our particular world.

Of course physical observations can sometimes aid in discovering proofs. They can help one guess which side—true or false—to try to prove. What we mean is something stronger: whether appeals to physical observations or laws can constitute a proof by themselves—or part of a proof, or some kind of certificate of a proof.

Our openness begins by coupling something Landauer himself was noted for saying,

Information is inevitably physical.

—with the following translation of what John Wheeler meant by “it from bit”:

Physics is ultimately informational.

Information is what we “do”—with theorems and proofs—and mathematical theorems underlie the most fundamental physical models. If information and physics are as tightly bound as they say, we ought to expect some “flow” in the other direction. The question remains, how?

We will not try here to evaluate particular papers we have seen or heard about, such as this or this by Alexandre de Castro of Brazil, or this on energy complexity by Feng Pan, Heng-liang Zhang, and Jie Qi of China. This paper by Yuriy Zayko of Russia reaches the opposite conclusion about {\mathsf{P = NP}} from Landauer’s work, so they can’t all be right, while this by Armando Matos also treats Landauer’s principle and factoring. We invite comments from better-versed readers. Rather, we wish to examine the larger issue: can physics be used to prove mathematical theorems? Indeed.

Physical Proofs?

Imagine that someone shows the following: If {\mathsf{P=NP}}, then some physical principle is violated. Most likely this would be in the form of a Gedankenexperiment, but nevertheless it would be quite interesting. Yet I am at a loss to say what it would mean. Indeed the question is: “Is this a proof or not?”

Let’s call an argument that shows that If some mathematical statement {X} is true, then some physical principle {Y} is incorrect a Physics Proof—say a PP for short. And let’s call a usual math proof a MP. Can we prove something about the relationship between PP’s and MP’s? Can we, for example, prove statements in math via PP’s? Even statements that we already know are correct? Can there exist a PP that shows that set theory is consistent? Does this violate the famous Incompleteness Theorem of Kurt Gödel?

We have discussed this in an earlier post, in which we also referenced papers by Scott Aaronson and Bennett himself. All this has left us still quite interested in the possibility that PP could exist, and we will try to give some new illustrations of the possibilities.

A Trivial Example

Let’s look at a PP that shows that multiplication of natural numbers is commutative. Suppose that {n} and {m} are such numbers greater than zero. Consider the a box {n=3} by {m=4} of unit squares:

* * * *
* * * *
* * * *

Then its area is clearly {nm}. Now rotate the box:

* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *

The area is invariant under rotation—this is the physical principle that we are using. But now the area is {mn}. So we conclude that

\displaystyle  nm = mn.

Wow, what a surprise—if we were doing standup comedy we would not expect much more than tomatoes from this. But an interesting post with this example by Peter Cameron goes on to show that the formal proofs in Peano arithmetic and set theory also have their downsides. Our understanding is this method is used in some grade schools as a way to help students understand multiplication.

Relationship to Relativity

We have previously told the history of the “no-cloning” theorem in quantum mechanics. A paper purporting to demonstrate faster-than-light (FTL) communication was found to rely on the assumption that an arbitrary pure binary quantum state can be duplicated by a quantum process. If one takes FTL communication to be a violation of physical law, this could be said to constitute a proof of the negation of the assumption. To be sure, a proof was soon found by several people using elementary linear algebra. Hence the no-cloning theorem itself is just a piece of mathematics. The question is whether it could have been said to be “already proved” by physics before the simple proof was found.

In quantum communication theory, it seems to be legitimate to argue a theorem based on its negation implying FTL communication. We keep intending to post in greater detail about a paper by Ulvi Yurtsever which we read as showing that if one could gain a nontrivial probabilistic prediction advantage against an unbiased quantum random source, then local causality would be violated—in particular, FTL communication would be possible. There are other potential examples on Philip Gibbs’ FTL page, currently maintained by physicist John Baez at UC Riverside.

The Information Ratchet

Ken has thought about this recently upon reading some reviews of the book Life’s Ratchet by Peter Hoffman of Wayne State University. According to a review in Nature:

[The book] engagingly tells the story of how science has begun to realize the potential for matter to spontaneously construct complex processes, such as those inherent to living systems.

Our question is,

Can we possibly judge the differential impact on the speed of this ratchet between the truth and the falsity of {\mathsf{P = NP}}, or of more-concrete algorithmic assertions?

If so, that is if we can quantify the impact, then by observing the speed of generative life processes in the lab, coupled with mapping out the early history of life on Earth, we might ascertain the (un)availability of certain concretely feasible approximative or exact algorithms empirically, in advance of possibly proving it.

Relationship To Time Travel

For an even more speculative notion, perhaps an unfair one, suppose that we want to factor a large number. Assume it would take {1,000} years on a laptop. Here is what we could do: We create a computer that can run for a thousand years. This would no doubt require some clever engineering: the machine probably would need to do self-repair and also use a renewable source of power. While it would be a difficult piece of engineering, it does not seem to violate any physical principles. Start it running on the factoring problem. Then jump into your time machine, go into the future, get the answer, and return. This means we could do a huge computation in seconds. Does this mean that we can “prove”:

If time-travel is possible, then many concrete “hard” factoring instances are easy?

I am very confused. I hope you are too, even before looking up literature on “closed timelike curves” and algorithms such as in section 8 of Scott’s survey. Note, taking the contrapositive yields that if you believe certain concrete instances of factoring are yea-hard in reality, then you’re saying time travel is impossible.

Open Problems

What do you think? If someone found a PP of {\mathsf{P \neq NP}} would that prove they are not equal? Would this win the Clay Prize? What would it really mean?

We note that Landauer’s principle did inspire theorems about reversible computation by Bennett and others; this and other stories are told in a lovely memoir by Bennett with Alan Fowler written in 2009 for the National Academy of Sciences. The ETOPIM Association awards an annual medal in Landauer’s honor.

26 Nov 19:19

Surveillance as a Business Model

by Bruce Schneier

Google recently announced that it would start including individual users' names and photos in some ads. This means that if you rate some product positively, your friends may see ads for that product with your name and photo attached—without your knowledge or consent. Meanwhile, Facebook is eliminating a feature that allowed people to retain some portions of their anonymity on its website.

These changes come on the heels of Google's move to explore replacing tracking cookies with something that users have even less control over. Microsoft is doing something similar by developing its own tracking technology.

More generally, lots of companies are evading the "Do Not Track" rules, meant to give users a say in whether companies track them. Turns out the whole "Do Not Track" legislation has been a sham.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that big technology companies are tracking us on the Internet even more aggressively than before.

If these features don't sound particularly beneficial to you, it's because you're not the customer of any of these companies. You're the product, and you're being improved for their actual customers: their advertisers.

This is nothing new. For years, these sites and others have systematically improved their "product" by reducing user privacy. This excellent infographic, for example, illustrates how Facebook has done so over the years.

The "Do Not Track" law serves as a sterling example of how bad things are. When it was proposed, it was supposed to give users the right to demand that Internet companies not track them. Internet companies fought hard against the law, and when it was passed, they fought to ensure that it didn't have any benefit to users. Right now, complying is entirely voluntary, meaning that no Internet company has to follow the law. If a company does, because it wants the PR benefit of seeming to take user privacy seriously, it can still track its users.

Really: if you tell a "Do Not Track"-enabled company that you don't want to be tracked, it will stop showing you personalized ads. But your activity will be tracked -- and your personal information collected, sold and used -- just like everyone else's. It's best to think of it as a "track me in secret" law.

Of course, people don't think of it that way. Most people aren't fully aware of how much of their data is collected by these sites. And, as the "Do Not Track" story illustrates, Internet companies are doing their best to keep it that way.

The result is a world where our most intimate personal details are collected and stored. I used to say that Google has a more intimate picture of what I'm thinking of than my wife does. But that's not far enough: Google has a more intimate picture than I do. The company knows exactly what I am thinking about, how much I am thinking about it, and when I stop thinking about it: all from my Google searches. And it remembers all of that forever.

As the Edward Snowden revelations continue to expose the full extent of the National Security Agency's eavesdropping on the Internet, it has become increasingly obvious how much of that has been enabled by the corporate world's existing eavesdropping on the Internet.

The public/private surveillance partnership is fraying, but it's largely alive and well. The NSA didn't build its eavesdropping system from scratch; it got itself a copy of what the corporate world was already collecting.

There are a lot of reasons why Internet surveillance is so prevalent and pervasive.

One, users like free things, and don't realize how much value they're giving away to get it. We know that "free" is a special price that confuses peoples' thinking.

Google's 2013 third quarter profits were nearly $3 billion; that profit is the difference between how much our privacy is worth and the cost of the services we receive in exchange for it.

Two, Internet companies deliberately make privacy not salient. When you log onto Facebook, you don't think about how much personal information you're revealing to the company; you're chatting with your friends. When you wake up in the morning, you don't think about how you're going to allow a bunch of companies to track you throughout the day; you just put your cell phone in your pocket.

And three, the Internet's winner-takes-all market means that privacy-preserving alternatives have trouble getting off the ground. How many of you know that there is a Google alternative called DuckDuckGo that doesn't track you? Or that you can use cut-out sites to anonymize your Google queries? I have opted out of Facebook, and I know it affects my social life.

There are two types of changes that need to happen in order to fix this. First, there's the market change. We need to become actual customers of these sites so we can use purchasing power to force them to take our privacy seriously. But that's not enough. Because of the market failures surrounding privacy, a second change is needed. We need government regulations that protect our privacy by limiting what these sites can do with our data.

Surveillance is the business model of the Internet -- Al Gore recently called it a "stalker economy.: All major websites run on advertising, and the more personal and targeted that advertising is, the more revenue the site gets for it. As long as we users remain the product, there is minimal incentive for these companies to provide any real privacy.

This essay previously appeared on

12 Nov 00:40

Reading Group at Harvard Law School

by Bruce Schneier

In Spring Semester, I'm running a reading group -- which seems to be a formal variant of a study group -- at Harvard Law School on "Security, Power, and the Internet. I would like a good mix of people, so non law students and non Harvard students are both welcome to sign up.

12 Nov 00:27

Another Snowden Lesson: People Are the Weak Security Link

by Bruce Schneier

As they always are.

There's a story that Edward Snowden successfully socially engineered other NSA employees into giving him their passwords.

12 Nov 00:27

Risk-Based Authentication

by Bruce Schneier

I think similar mechanisms have been implemented by Google and banks

I like this idea of giving each individual login attempt a risk score, based on the characteristics of the attempt:

The risk score estimates the risk associated with a log-in attempt based on a user's typical log-in and usage profile, taking into account their device and geographic location, the system they're trying to access, the time of day they typically log in, their device's IP address, and even their typing speed. An employee logging into a CRM system using the same laptop, at roughly the same time of day, from the same location and IP address will have a low risk score. By contrast, an attempt to access a finance system from a tablet at night in Bali could potentially yield an elevated risk score.

Risk thresholds for individual systems are established based on the sensitivity of the information they store and the impact if the system were breached. Systems housing confidential financial data, for example, will have a low risk threshold.

If the risk score for a user's access attempt exceeds the system's risk threshold, authentication controls are automatically elevated, and the user may be required to provide a higher level of authentication, such as a PIN or token. If the risk score is too high, it may be rejected outright.

07 Nov 22:07

The Story of the Bomb Squad at the Boston Marathon

by Bruce Schneier

This is interesting reading, but I'm left wanting more. What are the lessons here? How can we do this better next time? Clearly we won't be able to anticipate bombings; even Israel can't do that. We have to get better at responding.

Several years after 9/11, I conducted training with a military bomb unit charged with guarding Washington, DC. Our final exam was a nightmare scenario -- a homemade nuke at the Super Bowl. Our job was to defuse it while the fans were still in the stands, there being no way to quickly and safely clear out 80,000 people. That scenario made two fundamental assumptions that are no longer valid: that there would be one large device and that we would find it before it detonated.

Boston showed that there's another threat, one that looks a lot different. "We used to train for one box in a doorway. We went into a slower and less aggressive mode, meticulous, surgical. Now we're transitioning to a high-speed attack, more maneuverable gear, no bomb suit until the situation has stabilized," Gutzmer says. "We're not looking for one bomber who places a device and leaves. We're looking for an active bomber with multiple bombs, and we need to attack fast."

A post-Boston final exam will soon look a lot different. Instead of a nuke at the Super Bowl, how about this: Six small bombs have already detonated, and now your job is to find seven more -- among thousands of bags -- while the bomber hides among a crowd of the fleeing, responding, wounded, and dead. Meanwhile the entire city overwhelms your backup with false alarms. Welcome to the new era of bomb work.

04 Oct 03:22

Will Keccak = SHA-3?

by Bruce Schneier

Last year, NIST selected Keccak as the winner of the SHA-3 hash function competition. Yes, I would have rather my own Skein had won, but it was a good choice.

But last August, John Kelsey announced some changes to Keccak in a talk (slides 44-48 are relevant). Basically, the security levels were reduced and some internal changes to the algorithm were made, all in the name of software performance.

Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal. But in light of the Snowden documents that reveal that the NSA has attempted to intentionally weaken cryptographic standards, this is a huge deal. There is too much mistrust in the air. NIST risks publishing an algorithm that no one will trust and no one (except those forced) will use.

At this point, they simply have to standardize on Keccak as submitted and as selected.

CDT has a great post about this.

Also this Slashdot thread.

27 May 18:52

Sex, Lies, And Quantum Computers

by rjlipton

Okay, no sex, but a discussion about quantum computers.


Steven Soderbergh directed the famous movie: Sex, Lies, and Videotape. This 1989 movie won the Palme d’Or at the 1989 Cannes Film Festival, and is now in the United States Library of Congress’ National Film Registry for being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.”

Today I want to explore claims about quantum computation.

With all due apologies to Soderbergh his title seems perfect for our discussion. There may be no sex, but there is plenty of sizzle surrounding quantum computation. We just finished a thorough and wonderful debate here on the feasibility of quantum computers–see this for part of the debate. It was ably moderated by Ken, and the two advocates were Gil Kalai, against, and Aram Harrow, for.

While there are still many interesting issues to add to the debate, our discussion is not about whether quantum computers are feasible or not. We will stipulate that they can and will be built, eventually in some future time. The issue is about the present:

What has been proved about them so far?

And sadly we will discuss: what is believed to be proved but has no proof.


There are many claims in the literature on quantum computers that I would like to address here. Some are right, some are wrong, and some are at best misleading. Let’s start.

Quantum Computers have been proved to be more powerful than classical. Wrong.

This has been repeated many times and is often claimed in the literature. But there is no mathematical proof that a quantum computer that runs in polynomial quantum time cannot be simulated in polynomial classic time. None. Let me repeat that. There is no such proof. It is an open problem whether

\displaystyle  \mathsf{P} = \mathsf{PSPACE}.

If this is true, then quantum polynomial time equals polynomial time. Okay, most do not believe that this is true, but we are talking about what is proved. Nor is there any speedup theorem about improving the exponent {k} in a general {n^k}-time algorithm when you have {n} qubits vis-à-vis {n} bits. Thus from a mathematical view point it is clear that there is no proof that quantum is better than classical. None. Zero.

Quantum Computers can harness exponential parallelism, trying every possible solution at once. At best half-true.

Quantum computers can create superpositions of {2^n}-many basis vectors, each representing a string in {\{0,1\}^n} that can be a trial solution. However, the best-known quantum algorithm for finding a single solution still has exponential running time, order-of {2^{n/2}}, and this is tight in black-box models (see below). The allowed linear algebra operations restrict the way this parallelism can be exploited. Scott Aaronson in particular has expended much effort debunking claims that quantum computers are imminently effective at solving certain NP-hard problems.

Quantum Computers can factor integers faster than classical ones are known to. Right.

But misleading, especially when the “are known to” part is sloughed off. There is no proof that factoring cannot be done classically in polynomial time. None. The best factoring algorithms are indeed super-polynomial, but there is no mathematical proof that they are optimal. So tomorrow, or next week, or secretly already?, there could be a classical polynomial time factoring algorithm. Peter Sarnak, for example, is on the record as believing this. I am too. But beliefs aside, there certainly could be such an algorithm.

Quantum Computers have been proved to be more powerful than classical in the black box model. Right. But this is at best misleading; at worst {\dots} There are proofs that quantum machines can out-perform classical in this model. But the model is unfair. The classic machine gets only oracle access to some black box function say {f(x)}. Its job is to find some {s} so that {f(s)} has some property. As with oracle results in complexity theory, it is often easy to show that this requires a huge exponential search.

What about the quantum machines? They can zip along and solve the problem in polynomial time. So this proves they are more powerful—right? No. The difficulty is that the quantum machine needs to have the function {f} encoded as part of its quantum circuit. So the quantum computation gets the circuit representation of the black box, or the box is not black. The box is a white box—we can see the wires and gates that implement it.

This seems unfair, and is at best misleading. The fair comparison is to allow the classic machine the same ability to see the circuit representation of the box. The trouble now is the proof disappears. Without the black box restriction there is no mathematical proof that a classic machine cannot unravel what the box does and cheat in some way. So this is at best misleading. We also tried to see what happens if we open the box for the classical algorithm, here and here.

Quantum Computers cannot be efficiently simulated by classical, even for fifty qubits.Wrong.

I heard this the other day, and also it is stated on the web. For instance, Neil Gershenfeld was quoted by Julian Brown in his 2002 book Minds, Machines, and the Multiverse: The Quest for the quantum computer as saying,

“Round about fifty qubits is where you begin to beat classical computers. What that means is that with custom hardware tuned for computation with spectroscopy, you could just begin to graze the point where classical computers run out.”

Yes this was over a decade ago, but petabyte-scale computing was on the horizon then. Note that the interest in this question is quite reasonable, even though fifty qubits are way too few to implement any interesting quantum algorithm, certainly with the overhead of current fault-tolerant coding. The thought goes that fifty qubits may, however, be sufficient to do something interesting. Perhaps they can solve some physical question about a real system? A very interesting question. Let’s turn to discuss this question and scale in more detail.

The Fifty Bit Problem

The challenge is to figure out how we can simulate on a classical computer a quantum computation that uses at most fifty qubits. This is not nearly enough qubits to do anything interesting for cryptography, but makes for a nice question. The obvious ways to simulate such a quantum computation is not impossible for a classical machine, but is still not a simple computation. Thus the challenge: can we do this classically? Can we do a fifty quantum qubit problem on a laptop? Or on a server? Or in the cloud?

The obvious solution is to write down the initial vector of size {N=2^{50}} and start applying the quantum gates to the vector. This immediately hits a problem, since such a vector is really large. But it is not that large. The size is “just” a petabyte—or actually 1/8 of a petabyte. The MapReduce cloud framework has already been used to carry out some basic algorithms on petabytes of data.

Quantum operations are notionally sparse, each affecting only a small constant number of qubits, generally up to three. Under the standard encoding, each qubit splits the long vector into a measurement set for a {1} value and a set for the {0} value, each of size {N/2}. However, under different encoding schemes the operations could be local. In particular, many important quantum states, before and after some common quantum circuit operations, are succinct. There is scope for doing simulations analogous to what happens with homomorphic encryption, whereby operators might work directly on the succinct functional representations.

It strikes us that simulating a fifty-qubit algorithm classically is a concrete large-data kind of problem, one that may be interesting for its own sake. This stands apart from recent work on general “de-quantization” of circuits and algorithms, for which Maarten van den Nest’s ArXiV page is a good place to start.

Open Problems

What is really going on with the information structures that are acted on by quantum computers? That they are {2^n}-long bit-vectors in any sense we have come to doubt. Is there a better general way to represent them?

Even with the {2^n}-vector representation, for {n = 50} qubits, can we make classical simulations concretely efficient?

04 May 11:47


by 比喻是个好东西


发展心理学是心理学的一个分支,研究的是关于小孩子如何长大。皮亚杰(Jean Piaget)是这门学科的先驱,做了许多开创性的研究。其中有一个,是说儿童什么时候开始认识到数量守恒的。举个简单的例子:6个瓶子和6个罐子整整齐齐地排成两排,一一对应(图一)。研究人员问小孩:“瓶子和罐子哪个多呀?”小孩说:“一样多”。然后,研究人员把罐子之间的距离拉大(图二)。作为成年人,你知道这个动作并没有改变罐子的数量。而当研究人员再次问了同样的问题“瓶子和罐子哪个多”的时候,大多数孩子却都回答:“罐子多。”







是的,皮亚杰的实验的确出了问题。1967年,麻省理工的梅勒(Jacques Mehler)和贝弗(Tomas Bever)在《科学》(Science)上发表了一个研究。他们首先做了一个加强版的皮亚杰实验:哪怕罐子实际的数量比瓶子少,只要罐子的距离被拉开(图三),大多数孩子都会说罐子多。那么,皮亚杰究竟错在哪里呢?在第二个实验中,研究人员简单地把所有的瓶瓶罐罐都换成了M&M巧克力豆,这次,他们避免了问“哪一行多”这样的问题,而是让孩子们选择选取上面那行还是下面那行,绝大多数孩子立刻秒杀了上面那行(巧克力多!)——吃货本性显露无遗!



这么说,小孩子是完全有能力判断数量大小的了。那皮亚杰的问题究竟出在哪里?是小孩子们没看到巧克力豆所以不配合吗?恰恰相反,是因为他们太配合了。事实上,梅勒和托贝弗还发现,2-3岁的孩子,无论是用瓶瓶罐罐,还是巧克力豆,都能够不受排列干扰做出正确的判断。而4-5岁的孩子之所以在瓶瓶罐罐的问题上出错,不是由于他们不识数,而是由于他们已经初识对话常规(conversational norm)。

对话常规是语言哲学家保罗•格莱斯(Paul Grice)提出的概念。他认为人与人之间的对话服从若干常规。其中之一说的是是说话者表达的每个信息都是有意义的,称做“相关性准则”(maxim of relation)。这就是说,在信息交流的过程中,每一句话都跟说话彼时彼刻的环境和上下文有关系。即便内容相同,也不会是简单的重复。




爱丁堡大学的心理学家麦加里格尔(James McGarrigle)和唐纳德森(Margaret Donaldson) 1974年发表在《认知》(Cognition)上的研究证实了这个推断。他们首先重复了皮亚杰最早的那个实验。皮亚杰的发现是稳定的:在研究人员把罐子的间距拉开之后有5/6的小孩说罐子更多。然而,在另一组实验中,研究人员故意离开房间,然后安排了一个装扮成泰迪熊的人去把罐子的距离同样得拉开。熊熊走了之后,研究人员回来,着急地说:“哎呀这个讨厌的熊熊又来搞破坏啦!现在瓶子多还是罐子多呀?”这次,有近2/3的小孩报告一样多!他们跟研究人员说:“不要担心,熊熊来了只不过把罐子重排了一下,并没有把罐子取走!”他们知道,熊熊的“捣乱”令第二遍询问数量有了明显的意义 。



许多人对于长大的理解,源自回顾自己长大的过程。而今天这里介绍的这一系列研究,仿佛是一次学院派的解剖,告诉人们那一整个世界的善良和美好,从哪里开始一点一点的凋零。 皮亚杰的书里说,儿童对于数量守恒的“掌握”往往要到上了学以后——从那时起,他们对重复的问题会给出重复正确的答案。我想,那多半是因为等上了小学,经过了第一次考试,每个小孩都会明白,原来这个世界遍地都是陷阱。



Geek Parents


Dehaene, S. (1997). The number sense: How the mind creates mathematics. New York:Oxford University Press.

Grice, H. Paul (1975), “Logic and Conversation,” in Syntax and Semantics, Vol. 3, Speech Acts, ed. Peter Cole and Jerry L. Morgan, New York: Academic Press, 41–58.
