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18 Jun 09:36

Overwatch 2: Reveal Event | June 16th [Update: Loot Boxes going away, Battle Pass being added, Open Beta Sign-ups, & more)

by Solidsnakejej
Starts at the top of the hour, ~20 min

PlayOverwatch - Twitch

Overwatch™ is a highly stylized team-based action game set in a future worth fighting for. Every match is an intense multiplayer showdown pitting a diverse cast of heroes, mercenaries, scientists, adventurers, and oddities against each other in an epic, globe-spanning conflict.

What to expect
  • ~40 mins video
  • Junker Queen cinematic and gameplay
  • New map
  • Information on the service model and seasonal content plan
  • Information on cross-progression
  • Information on next closed beta phase
  • PvE is unlikely at this time
Next closed beta will be PC, PS, Xbox starting the 28th, how we gain access or if those that had access retain it we do not know yet...

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23 Dec 14:54

The letter that William Burroughs wrote Truman Capote, cursing his career and taking back his talent

by Gareth Branwyn

The content aggregator, Pocket, has resurfaced an interesting 2017 LitHub piece about a bizarre letter that William Burroughs wrote to Truman Capote in 1970.

In the below letter, Burroughs engages in a sort of bizarre role-play, claiming (it seems) to speak for a department responsible for the cosmic fate of writers.

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05 May 06:38

Los Angeles Sheriff department's celebrity PSAs of the 80s

by Jason Weisberger

The Los Angeles Sheriff's department had some pretty great PSAs. Ron Howard, Danny Elfman, Martin Cove and the Hollywood Squares all pitched in to help.

Casey Kasem always cracks me up.

25 Sep 15:23

White House releases summary of call where Trump asked Ukraine president to investigate Biden

by Rob Beschizza

After promising a transcript of a controversial call between Trump and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, the White House today released a summary offering details of the conversation but specifically disclaimed as "not a verbatim transcript". The call was exposed by a still-secret whistleblower complaint, but it was understood Trump asked Zelensky to launch an investigation into Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. He repeatedly did so, according to the summary, which also implicates Attorney General William Barr and Trump gofer Rudy Giuliani in the plan.

It's probably just there to show that Trump didn't finish his sentence, but what a spot to put ellipsis:

26 Sep 07:38

Waymo Clarifies It Actually Wants $1.8 Billion From Uber

by BeauHD
Last week, a lawyer for Uber said Waymo was seeking about $2.6 billion from the company for the alleged theft of one of several trade secrets in a lawsuit over self-driving cars. Over the weekend, Waymo filed a document with the court noting that the correct figure was actually $1.859 billion. TechCrunch reports: It's not clear why this seemingly important detail was left uncorrected for nearly a week. The filing also includes some additional clarification around the way in which the damages figure was calculated. Though Waymo is arguing that nine trade secrets were put in jeopardy by Anthony Levandowski, it is seeking a maximum of $1.8 billion in damages. That figure is the value that Waymo is attributing to a single trade secret -- trade secret 25. The other eight secrets are being individually valued at less than $1.8 billion. Consequently, Waymo is capping the damages at the value of its most valuable compromised trade secret. Waymo's attorneys note that the $1.8 billion figure was calculated based on an estimate of "Uber's unjust enrichment from Uber's trade secret misappropriation." Waymo continues that the damages are based on Uber's own profitability forecasts of deploying autonomous vehicles into its ridesharing business.

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11 Aug 21:56

#ownership #wants #needs

#ownership #wants #needs

13 Sep 08:04

Porgi l’ altra natica

by iPhumo

SPANKABBESTIAChe poi, sia chiaro, io non ho nulla contro i cattolici, a parte naturalmente le repliche di Don Matteo sulla RAI che temo si concluderanno solo con l’ elezione di Terence Hill al soglio di Pietro.
Papa Continuavano a Chiamarlo Trinità I. Santo subito, altrimenti ci arrabbiamo.
Divago sempre.
I cattolici, dicevo, non bisognerebbe discriminarli: lasciamo pure che si sposino tra loro. E che adottino bambini. Sulle coppie miste il mio giudizio è incerto ma potrebbe indurmi in tentazione Lorena Bianchetti, una perversione comunque meno abominevole di baciare le reliquie imbalsamate dei santi. Ma perché le ASL non intervengono?
Insomma cerco punti di contatto tra l’ homo sapiens e gli esemplari adulti e consenzienti di cattolico e nel mio errabondare in rete forse ho trovato qualcosa: CDD, Christian Domestic Discipline.
A fronte di una grafica di merda un impianto divulgativo imponente vòlto a dimostrare la supremazia del capofamiglia maschio, come accordata dalle Scritture, in un florilegio di citazioni che dalla Genesi arriva alle lettere di S. Paolo ai Filippesi, ai Tessalonicesi e forse anche ai Casalesi. Mulier taceat in ecclesia è un’ intimidazione di chiaro stampo mafioso.
Partecipanti: sono ammesse coppie etero sposate, ma anche, attenzione, conviventi adulti ufficialmente fidanzati. Niente coppie gay perché la Bibbia non le contempla e quindi non esistono, e per chiudere un’ annosa polemica lo stesso si potrebbe dire del trentesimo scudetto della Juventus.
Come si gioca: vale la regola delle 4 D ( Disobedience, Disrespect, Dishonesty n Dangerous) applicata in crescendo: se Lorena, il nome è di fantasia, sbuffa mentre la rimprovero per non aver spolverato con doveroso zelo la mia collezione di acquasantiere a parete se la caverà con una strofinata di peperoncino sui capezzoli. Ma se ha stornato soldi destinati alla spesa per comprarsi una sottana allora sarà sonoramente sculacciata. E se la sorprendo ancora a presentare il festival di musica per la preghiera al PalaSantarelli di Piattoni (AP) dopo la sculacciata dovrò rinchiuderla nuda nel ripostiglio degli attrezzi finché la mia ira, terribile ma giusta, sarà placata. Considerato che le principali attrazioni del festival sono Suor Paola e l’ educanimatore Gg Cotichella ditemi voi se non sarebbe addirittura il caso di ricorrere al nerbo di bue.
Insomma, di questa pratica devozionale non mi sento di condividere tutto ma bisogna riconoscere che si segnano dei progressi, quantomeno nell’ avere finalmente compreso che Gesù è amore, e quindi anche dolore.

Immagine tratta da, sempre in un’ ottica di dialogo interreligioso.