Shared posts

27 May 17:06


21 May 18:24

Anésia # 166

21 May 18:22

The force is strong with this one. [x]

The force is strong with this one. [x]

19 May 20:01

foodishouldnoteat: if you love food follow my blog!


if you love food follow my blog!

08 May 23:34


05 May 13:34

Two cats share a single bowl with remarkable courtesy

by Joey White

In what has to be the most courteous moment ever witnessed between two cats, these felines each take a bite, then pass the dish to the other during a surprisingly polite mealtime…

(via cineraria)

28 Apr 18:24




26 Apr 17:23

dynamite with a laser beam

dynamite with a laser beam

26 Apr 17:16

Found at the library

Found at the library

26 Apr 17:14

GIF | 892.gif

26 Apr 15:50

April 24, 2014

From now on, only time travel jokes.
20 Apr 14:17

My comic book adaptation of Isaac Asimov's The Last Question

05 Apr 12:08

bathosphere: The neighbors are going to kill me… YES


The neighbors are going to kill me…


05 Apr 11:58

Cidadãos podem garantir honestidade de governos

Por David Biello

Sabe em quem você não pode confiar para relatar a administração ambiental do governo? No governo. Smartphones, imagens acessíveis de satélite e empreendimentos com financiamento coletivo possibilitaram um tipo de monitoramento com que defensores da transparência e ambientalistas sequer sonhavam

Durante anos a Espanha alterou seus números de peixes capturados para proteger as pescarias. Em 2007, a Nova Zelândia eliminou um capítulo negativo de seu relatório ambiental. Quando pressionadas, as autoridades decidiram simplesmente parar de publicar o relatório. Naquele mesmo ano, nos Estados Unidos, a Agência de Proteção Ambiental da administração Bush concluiu que a mudança climática provocada por emissões de gases estufa era uma ameaça séria. Então a Casa Branca se recusou a tornar o relatório público.

Felizmente, os cidadãos agora têm ferramentas para enfrentar essa duplicidade oficial. Smartphones, imagens acessíveis de satélite e empreendimentos com financiamento coletivo possibilitaram um tipo de monitoramento com que defensores da transparência, ambientalistas e outras partes interessadas sequer sonhavam. Esse é o argumento de pesquisadores da Yale University publicado na revista Nature. [Angel Hsu et al, Development: Mobilize citizens to track sustainability]

Essa é a mesma equipe que usou satélites para derivar estimativas apontando que a poluição em Nova Delhi era tão ruim, ou pior, que a de Pequim.

Vários tipos de aplicativos para smartphones poderiam permitir que cidadãos fizessem tudo: de monitorar a qualidade do ar e da água, até rastrear populações oceânicas de plâncton a partir do espaço. Uma coletânea tão descentralizada de dados poderia até forçar governos a se manterem sustentáveis. 

25 Mar 11:01

7 películas fascinantes sobre viajes en el tiempo para todos los gustos

peliculas viajes en el tiempo 12 monkeys

Siete espectaculares películas que tratan, cada una a su manera, los viajes en el tiempo, y no puedes dejar de ver.

Cuando se habla de películas sobre viajes en el tiempo lo primero que se nos viene a la mente es la saga Back to the Future, cuyas tres partes protagonizadas por Christopher Lloyd y Michael J Fox son consideradas de culto, con infinidad de fanáticos en todo el mundo y de todas las edades.

Pero hay muchas otras películas espectaculares relacionadas a los viajes temporales más allá de las de Marty McFly y Doc Brown, y en ALT1040, como ya es tradición casi todo viernes, nos proponemos a recomendarte siete espectaculares películas relacionadas a los viajes en el tiempo que no debes dejar de ver. Hay para todos los gustos, desde misterios y acción, hasta dramas y romances.


Comenzando por la más complicada de entender de toda la lista, Primer también fue parte de nuestra selección de películas complicadas, y no es para menos. Además de viajar constantemente entre diferentes períodos temporales, la trama nos muestra a los protagonistas, unos emprendedores tecnológicos, cuyo invento con el que querían crear su propia empresa, terminará siendo algo inesperado e increíble. Primer es tan complicada que incluso existen webs sobre teorías para tratar de explicarla.

Midnight in Paris

Una película de comedia, romance y fantasía, escrita y dirigida por Woody Allen, nos muestra tres versiones de la ciudad de Paris distintas. De día, soleada, feliz y llena de arte y tranquilidad; al atardecer y anochecer movida, llena de fiestas; pero después de la medianoche, llena de magia y sorpresas. No arruinaré la sorpresa sobre lo que sucede después de la medianoche en París, pero sin duda es una película muy entretenida y maravillosa.

12 Monkeys

Personalmente, es mi favorita de la lista. 12 Monkeys nos muestra la vida de un condenado a prisión en una versión postapocalíptica y futurista de la Tierra, que le ofrecen indulgencia si logra descubrir, viajando al pasado, qué fue lo que pasó para que el planeta se viera desolado, obligando a los humanos a vivir en las cloacas. Una historia llena de intriga, misterio y una de las mejores actuaciones que he visto de Brad Pitt, interpretando a un excéntrico loco trastornado.

About Time

Otro drama lleno de romance y fantasía, esta vez se basa en la historia de un chico que a la edad de 21 años descubre que tiene la habilidad de viajar en el tiempo, la cual intentará aprovechar no para cambiar el mundo, sino para conseguir una novia, aunque todo le saldrá de forma inesperada. About time es divertida, romántica y ligera.

Source Code

Luego de un atentado terrorista un soldado se verá involucrado en una misión para encontrar al responsable, viajando no solo en el tiempo sino también despertando en el cuerpo de un hombre que no es él. Intensa y difícil de entender en parte, Source Code es una película de suspenso y misterio que aprovecha al máximo su elemento de ciencia ficción para elaborar una trama complicada.

The Time Traveler's Wife

Aunque su nombre pueda sonar un tanto desalentador ("La esposa del viajero del tiempo" no es un nombre del todo atractivo para una película) esta película se basa en una trama realmente curiosa, donde el viajero en realidad no puede controlar cuándo usar su habilidad sobrenatural de ir al pasado; por lo que su relación con su esposa y su familia será tensa, aunque a la vez muy bonita, con un final espectacular.

Groundhog Day

Y finalmente, conocida en español como "El día de la marmota"; este clásico protagonizado por Bill Murray y Andie McDowell nos relata la historia de un periodista que va a un pequeño pueblo en donde se celebra este día, sin saber que se quedaría atrapado por completo en esa fecha. Es decir, cada vez que despierta, es el mismo día, por lo que está atrapado en un loop infinito que aprovechará para poder conquistar a su amada. Divertida y maravillosa, es un clásico que los amantes de ciencia ficción no pueden dejar de ver.

Y tu, ¿qué otra película sobre viajes en el tiempo recomendarías?

13 Mar 22:28

Menor diversidade alimentar ameaça campos e humanos


Por Cynthia Graber

Uma parcela maior da população mundial está consumindo basicamente uma dieta uniforme. Isso não é uma boa notícia para a saúde humana nem para a saúde das culturas, de acordo com um estudo divulgado na publicação científica Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [Colin K. Khoury et al, Increasing homogeneity in global food supplies and the implications for food security, em inglês].

Cientistas analisaram tendências dietéticas ao longo dos últimos 50 anos e constataram que, de modo geral, as pessoas não só estão comendo mais, mas também estão absorvendo cada vez mais calorias de carnes, óleo e grãos.

A diversidade alimentar, no entanto, tem encolhido. Trigo, arroz e milho tornaram-se cada vez mais importantes; a soja, as sementes de girassol e os óleos de palma também ganharam destaque. Mas culturas como as de sorgo, centeio e mandioca perderam importância relativa.

Os autores do estudo afirmam que a tendência para a dieta ocidental contribui para a obesidade e doenças cardíacas, além de reduzir a diversidade de micróbios orais e intestinais, o que é nocivo à saúde.

Igualmente importante, talvez, é que a dependência de um reduzido grupo de alimentos coloca as próprias culturas em risco de doenças ou efeitos das mudanças climáticas.

Segundo o coautor do estudo Andy Jarvis, um sistema global de alimentos mais diversificados é crucial. “Este não só é o melhor caminho para combater a fome, a desnutrição e a nutrição excessiva, mas também para proteger as fontes de suprimentos globais de alimentos contra os impactos das mudanças climáticas no mundo”.

—Cynthia Graber

[O texto acima é uma transcrição desse podcast.]

07 Mar 23:29


05 Mar 12:08

A Backstage Pass to Hidden London

by MessyNessy

I lived in London for twenty-five years and never got to see the inside of the 1930s decommissioned Battersea Power Station. Nobody does! But the guy that took this picture (above), Peter Dazeley– he even got them to switch on the control room’s art deco lights for him. And it turns out, getting this kind of access wasn’t just a lucky coincidence. Peter Dazeley gets a backstage pass to hidden places all over London, because it’s his job. Veteran photographer, born and bred Londoner, Dazeley’s ongoing project “Hidden London” is about recording unseen, historic London buildings, their architecture and interiors as they stand in the 21st century. It’s an ongoing project that will soon be on show in both an exhibition and a book. For now, we get a little sneak peak of a selection of his discoveries so far, which he uploads onto his website and Twitter. So grab that backstage pass that Peter has so kindly offered us and let’s see his hidden London…

P.S. Most of the photograph’s locations were not identified, so I had to do a little digging of my own. If you have any fun facts about these hidden places, add them in the comments!

Inside the Battersea Power Station


The Whitechapel Bell Foundry, makers of the Big Ben and the Liberty Bell. 


Henry VIII Wine Cellar under the Ministry of Defence. Perfectly preserved, this stone-ribbed, brick-vaulted undercroft was built in the early 1500s, more information here


The main pump room of Crossness Pumping Station. The Beam Engine House is a Grade 1 Listed Industrial Building constructed in the Romanesque style and features some of the most spectacular ornamental Victorian cast ironwork to be found today.


The old operating theatre at St. Thomas’ Hospital


Aldwych Station disused platform. Opened in 1907, served by a shuttle train for most of their life and suffering from low passenger numbers, the station and branch were considered for closure several times. A weekday peak hours-only service survived until closure in 1994, when the cost of replacing the lifts was considered too high compared to the income generated. Disused parts of the station and the running tunnels were used during both World Wars to shelter artworks from London’s public galleries and museums from bombing.



Queens Club “real tennis” courts, (real tennis refers to the original racquet sport from which the modern game of lawn tennis is descended). 


Sound Effects Drama Studio at the BBC Television Centre in White City


Transmitter Hall at the BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place


The original Abbey Mills Pumping Station, in Abbey Lane, London E15, is a sewage pumping station, designed by engineer Joseph Bazalgette, Edmund Cooper, and architect Charles Driver. It was built between 1865 and 1868.


The Smithfield clock of Citigen Power Station. The buildings of Smithfield Market stand on top of a warren of tunnels: previously, live animals were brought to the market on the hoof (from the mid-19th century onwards they arrived by rail) and were slaughtered on site. The former railway tunnels are now used for storage, parking and as basements.

The Citigen cogeneration Power Station is now sited deep underground Charterhouse Street, converted from Smithfield Market’s former cold store. During World War II, it also served as the theatre of secret experiments led by Max Perutz on pykrete, a mixture of ice and woodpulp, alleged to be tougher than steel. The experiments were carried out by Perutz and his colleagues in a refrigerated meat locker in a Smithfield Market butcher’s basement, behind a protective screen of frozen animal carcasses. These experiments became obsolete with the development of longer range aircraft and the project was soon abandoned.An impressive cobbled ramp spirals down around the public park now known as West Smithfield, on the south side of the market, to give access to part of this area. Some of the buildings on Charterhouse Street on the north side have access into the tunnels from their basements. Since 2005, the General Market (1883) and the adjacent Fish Market and Red House buildings (1898), part of the Victorian complex of the Smithfield Market, have been facing a threat of demolition.


Inside the HMS Belfast at the Imperial War Museum


The Gate Cinema, Notting Hill


The Great Hall at the Royal Hospital Chelsea


The Wimbledon Windmill Museum


The London Metal Exchange, Aldgate


Bibendum Restaurant, South Kensington, former headquarters and tyre depot of Michelin. the building has three large stained-glass windows based on Michelin advertisements of the time, all featuring the Michelin Man “Bibendum”. Around the front of the original building at street level there are a number of decorative tiles showing famous racing cars of the time that used Michelin tyres. More tiles can be found inside the front of the building, which was originally a tyre-fitting bay for passing motorists. 


Tower Bridge Bascule Chamber

See more of Dazeley’s Hidden London photographs here and keep updated for the Hidden London exhibition and book release on his Twitter.




16 Feb 22:22

Anti-American street art in Hong Kong

31 Jan 00:00

Fucking spam

30 Jan 23:59

When my friends and I get together and have a lot of catching up to do

20 Jan 21:50


18 Jan 12:42


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
18 Jan 12:40

The Incredible Underwater Art of Competitive Aquascaping

by Christopher Jobson

The Incredible Underwater Art of Competitive Aquascaping plants fish aquariums Forest Scent, Pavel Bautin. Russia. 2010 IAPLC Grand Prize Winner

The Incredible Underwater Art of Competitive Aquascaping plants fish aquariums
Pale Wind, Takayuki Fukada. Japan. 2013 IAPLC Gold Prize

The Incredible Underwater Art of Competitive Aquascaping plants fish aquariums
Whisper of the pines, Serkan Çetinkol. Turkey. 2013 IAPLC Top 27

The Incredible Underwater Art of Competitive Aquascaping plants fish aquariums
Verve!, Chow Wai Sun. Hong Kong. 2011 IAPLC Bronze Prize

The Incredible Underwater Art of Competitive Aquascaping plants fish aquariums
Way to heaven, Dmitriy Parshin. Russia.

The Incredible Underwater Art of Competitive Aquascaping plants fish aquariums
Wild West, Stjepan Erdeljić. Croatia.

The Incredible Underwater Art of Competitive Aquascaping plants fish aquariums
Georgi Chaushev, Bulgaria. 2012 IAPLC Top 100.

The Incredible Underwater Art of Competitive Aquascaping plants fish aquariums
Francisco Wu, Spain. 2012 IAPLC Top 100.

The Incredible Underwater Art of Competitive Aquascaping plants fish aquariums
Long Tran Hoang, Vietnam. 2012 IAPLC Third Place.

The Incredible Underwater Art of Competitive Aquascaping plants fish aquariums
Pilgrimage, Shintaro Matsui. Japan. 2013 IAPLC Fifth Place.

No, these aren’t exactly your childhood goldfish bowls. The world of competitive aquarium design, or aquascaping, is just as difficult, expensive, and cutthroat as any other sport but requires expertise in many different fields to guarantee success. Aquarium designers possess large amounts of expertise in biology, design, photography, and excel in the art of patience, as individual aquascapes can take months if not years to fully mature into a completed landscape.

The world’s largest nature aquarium and aquatic plants layout competition is the International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest (IAPLC) which annually ranks hundreds of competitors from around the world with Asian and Eastern European countries generally dominating the top slots. While it’s somewhat difficult to track down galleries of winners from every year, above are some amazing entries from the last few years. To see more, oh so much more, check out: IAPLC Grand Prize Works, IAPLC 2011 Top 27, IAPLC 2013 Top 6, IAPLC 2012 Top 200 (or here), and the first Eastern European Planted Aquarium Design Contest.

15 Jan 00:05

Cats | 060.gif

04 Jan 16:03

A Massive Conspiracy

A Massive Conspiracy

Submitted by: Unknown (via Pleated Jeans)

04 Jan 11:11

whimsebox: Vintage porcelain hand-painted with ants...


Vintage porcelain hand-painted with ants by LAPHILIE 

02 Jan 23:59


02 Jan 23:49

prestonhymas: "AHH, WALTER, GET THE BUG" "I am TRYING,...




31 Dec 17:08

keetah-spacecat: tydusis: lawebloca: Nest of...




Nest of spiders


These are actually Daddy Long Leggers/Harvestmen and they are literally the most harmless critter out there. Especially the American ones. The worst they do is smell bad lol.

They are a whole other class of arachnids but tagging spiders for followers with phobias.