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02 Dec 11:20

As incríveis ilustrações de Mike

by Willian Matiola

Mike é um designer gráfico de Praga e já possui 12 anos de experiência no mercado. Apesar de não haver muitas informações a seu respeito, ele diz que seu forte é o design gráfico bonito e orientado ao usuário. Dentre suas aptidões se destacam a criação de ícones, ilustrações e interfaces digitais.

Seu portfolio é tão rico em cores e detalhes que ele nem precisa de computador para finalizar um trabalho. E enquanto a maioria das pessoas faz rascunhos rápidos, Mike praticamente desenvolve a arte final.

Inspire-se em seu trabalho e tente não se sentir menosprezado pela enorme capacidade técnica de Mike!

Mike 01

Mike 02

Mike 03

Mike 04

Mike 05

Mike 06

Mike 07

Mike 08

Mike 09

Mike 010

Mike 11

Mike 12

Mike 13

Mike 14

Mike 15

Mike 16

Mike 17

Mike 18

Mike 112

Confira o artigo original publicado pelo Choco La Design: As incríveis ilustrações de Mike

01 Oct 18:12

Sara Pellegrino: OVER Editorial

by Courtney

OVER is an editorial project that features the photography and illustration of Sara Pellegrino. I’m loving the interactivity between the painterly brush strokes and the model.










Creative Credits:
Exclusive for Sicky Magazine 
Photography & Illustration: Sara Pellegrino
Model: Korlan Madi @Your Way Management
Hair & Make Up: Nina Pasquale
Gif By Mario Rossi @ Behance

30 Sep 16:48

Start Small: Why Tinkerers Get Things Done

by behanceteam
It’s easy to feel intimidated at the thought of starting a big creative project. Whether it’s an ambitious commission from a client, a challenging assignment from your boss, or the book/album/movie/website you’ve challenged yourself to produce, you picture the whole thing like a huge monolith looming over you… and feel overwhelmed.

So you find all kinds of excuses to put it off: you need to do more research; you need to get the right equipment; you need to “warm up” with a smaller project first; you need to clear your desk, your inbox, or that cupboard under the sink… in short, Resistance has a field day, and you procrastinate as if your life depended on it.

But suppose you don’t actually need to start the project just yet. Well, not properly, anyway?

Suppose you just set up the equipment in your studio… or just create a folder on your hard drive… or just make a few notes or sketches… or just collect all the relevant books and papers into one place…

Because a funny thing often happens when you “just” start setting up and tinkering: you forget about the big, intimidating picture, and start taking small actions that will actually more the project forward. You begin by tweaking and tinkering, and before long, your imagination sparks into life and you’re happily absorbed in the work. You’ve started in earnest without even noticing it.

A funny thing happens when you “just” start tinkering: you forget about the big, intimidating picture.

As the oft-quoted Chinese proverb says, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The idea of walking a thousand miles is instantly exhausting – but it’s also a distortion of reality. Because no one ever had to walk a thousand miles instantaneously. All you ever have to do in the moment is take just one step, and before long you find you’ve got into your stride and you’re enjoying walking and looking at all the interesting sights and people you encounter along the way.

I’ve been using this little trick to get going on my new book. A few months ago I just created a file in my book writing software and laid out the chapter headings, and just started playing around and rearranging them. And each time an idea came to me during the day, I just added a quick note inside each chapter. Recently I’ve been opening up the doc in the mornings, just looking at the table of contents, and just adding a few more notes here and there. It’s a slow ramp up where I just tell myself to add a few things here and there, no pressure.

I’ve written 12,000 words this way. I haven’t really started writing it yet. And since I’ve not been officially working on the book, resistance and procrastination hasn’t shown up for work either. It’s been fun. 

How to start without really starting 

I originally got the idea from Mark Forster’s book Do It Tomorrow, in which he suggests tricking your mind by telling yourself the following:

I’m not really going to [the task] right now, but I’ll just do [it’s first step].

The trick is to make the first step so small and easy that it doesn’t create Resistance. The idea of “writing a novel” or “designing a brand identity” sounds so big and difficult it instantly creates Resistance. Your brain easily freezes up. But “just” opening up MS Word or Photoshop and creating a new file is so trivial there’s no Resistance. It’s the same reason saying “I want to learn another language” doesn’t inspire us to action. But saying “I’m just going to sign up for a once-a-week French class” does. The latter is the first step. It’s tangible. It excites us.

Once you get the idea, you don’t even need the full sentence – I find it works (ahem) just fine if you just use the word ‘just’: 

“I’ll just prime a canvas.”
“I’ll just play a few chords to warm up.”
“I’ll just write the characters’ names out.”
“I’ll just copy out the previous design.”
“I’ll just get the folder out of the filing cabinet.”

And so on. With the pressure off, feel free to just tinker as long as you like. You may be pleasantly surprised how much you get done.

Over to you…

Think of your next big creative project – the whole thing, all at once. What happens to your motivation?

Now imagine “just” doing some small insignificant task associated with the project. What difference does that make?

30 Sep 16:48

Elizabeth Baddeley Wedding Invitations

by Courtney

I’m loving the colorful, illustrated wedding suite that Elizabeth Baddeley designed for her own wedding this past Spring.







via Paper Crush Pinterest

28 Sep 19:26

How to keep the conversation in your target language, even as an absolute beginner [Video of Benny Skyping in Japanese]

by Benny

In a change to my initial plan to wait a month before uploading conversations, here is my 10-day update – a video entirely in Japanese, and absolutely and utterly non-scripted (apart from the intro). I simply messaged my Facebook page, targetting just those in Japan, Junpei offered to let me record a chat with him (he’s Japanese but has an English school in Japan, La Pacifica), and I told him to keep it simple, and that rule number one was: No English whatsoever, and he stuck to it!

And that’s what I had to work with. That is in fact how I have been doing every single one of my Skype sessions since day four (as mentioned in my day 5 summary) and on a daily basis, I am not allowed to utter a single word in English, but I have to fill up a 30 or 60 minute long slot with something. And of course, the teacher or language exchange partner, has to also keep in my target language too.

As you can see, it wasn’t pretty. We didn’t debate Kantian epistemology, we just talked about very basic stuff. Sometimes I understood what he said, and most times I didn’t have a clue. And yet we had a sort-of conversation for over ten minutes.

So, how do you do it?

week1skypeHow can you have a live conversation with someone when you are so new to a language? It’s very easy actually: just look up everything you don’t know in a dictionary!

Yes, seriously – it’s that simple. When I didn’t know a word, I pulled up the dictionary (I have been using since Google Translate is so bad for Japanese), found the translation and then said it. When the person I’m speaking to said something I didn’t understand, I told him to write it out (in Kana) and then I copied and pasted the word I didn’t understand to my dictionary.

As you can see in the video, this takes time, and slows the conversation down, but 10 days ago I couldn’t even have said more than just the Konnichiwa, so I think this is an acceptable limitation considering!

This way, I can use my “training wheels” that help me do way more than I should be able to do with my limited range of vocabulary, but I can still keep the conversation 100% in Japanese.

As well as this, I had some words that I hadn’t learned well enough yet prepared in advance in a text document. I wrote about this in detail when describing how I got into speaking Polish over Skype just one hour into studying it.

Another important aspect: Contextese and keeping the conversation flowing

This method isn’t perfect. For instance, Japanese has a very different grammar to most languages that I’m used to, so I couldn’t make very complex sentences, but I’ve tried to absorb as many sentence structures as I can to get the gist of as part of my studying between spoken sessions. Even so, I have found that a patient speaker does indeed understand me if I speak a Tarzan-like collection of words together. It ain’t pretty, but it’s understandable.

In this video when I said a sentence that was quite messed up, Junpei still got the gist and repeated the sentence back to me correctly so I learned from my mistake.

The next ingredient is of course context. “Contextese” is a means to communicate in itself. So rather than have him write absolutely everything out to me, I listened for the one or two words that I did understand in a given utterance, and guessed what he was likely to be saying. You can see at the end for instance, we talk about “Manga”, and that word is in fact the only one I understood in his question, but I managed to extrapolate correctly (based on the context) what the question was likely to be.

There were indeed issues though – for instance, he said “Could you say that again?” at the start, and I didn’t understand (My “How are you?” was very unclear, which is why he asked), and my lack of vocabulary also seeped into my lack of familiarity, and the word “Why”, which I do know, was misunderstood because I wasn’t confident about its pronunciation. The thing is – moments like this in which you are put on the spot, make sure you’ll definitely remember the word next time ;)

But when these miscommunications happened, did the world end? Did Junpei get so insulted that he closed the Skype conversation immediately and told the world how rude this Benny Lewis character is for his misuse of Japanese formal words? Did the Japanese government officially forbid me from ever speaking Japanese in the rest of my life for so boldly using it “before I was ready”?

No, of course not. Mistakes aren’t the end of the world. We laughed off mistakes and kept the conversation flowing. Mistakes happen, so you just learn to deal with it as best as you can, and move on.

I hope this video reminds you that it’s never too early to speak. All this practice helps me get the mistakes “out of my system” so that I speak much better later. I’ll get back to scripted videos for the next weeks, but in about a month will have another recorded Skype session and I am sure you will see a major improvement :)

Let me know your thoughts, and how your own X-in-3-months/+1 mission is going!

How to keep the conversation in your target language, even as an absolute beginner [Video of Benny Skyping in Japanese] is a post from: Fluent in 3 months. Click through to the site to subscribe to the Language Hacking League e-mail list (on the top right) for way more tips sent directly to your inbox!
Have you seen my TEDx talk? You can get much better details of how I recommend learning a language if you watch it here. As a subscriber you get a bonus sneak peak at the Language Hacking Guide! Download it here (zip) to read two chapters free of charge!

The post How to keep the conversation in your target language, even as an absolute beginner [Video of Benny Skyping in Japanese] appeared first on Fluent in 3 months - Language Hacking and Travel Tips.

28 Sep 19:26

Caelum Technology Radar Setembro 2013

by Mauricio Aniche

O Thoughtworks Technology Radar é bem popular: ajuda a indústria de software a entender melhor os prós e contras das mais diferentes tecnologias, práticas e plataformas existentes, através das lentes da equipe técnica da empresa. Há algum tempo , a própria Thoughtworks vem divulgando a ideia de que as empresas também deveriam fazer, como exercício, seus próprios radares de tecnologia.

Baseado nisso, decidimos criar nosso próprio radar. Nele colocamos toda nossa experiência dos últimos anos em desenvolvimento, consultoria e ensino. Para isso, decidimos organizar um encontro entre todos os nossos desenvolvedores e, a partir daí, moderamos uma discussão entre todos.

Veja aqui detalhes do Radar da Caelum

Coletamos opiniões bastante interessantes. UX ágil, por exemplo, foi algo que apareceu com bastante força. O uso das mais diversas práticas ágeis, como testes automatizados, desenvolvimento iterativo e programação pareada, também foram considerados como essencial.

No entanto, nossa equipe acredita no não uso de geradores de código Javascript, como é o caso do CoffeeScript. Além disso, houve um favorecimento para frameworks web action-based, ao invés de component-based. Com exceção do JSF2, grande parte dos frameworks component-based foram criticados.

Na página do radar, você encontra mais informações sobre como o criamos, como ele deve ser interpretado, bem como a nossa opinião completa. Nosso objetivo com ele é divulgar para todo o mercado o que acreditamos ser boas práticas, tecnologias e plataformas, e que devem ser usadas com frequência, bem como as que devem ser usadas com mais moderação.

Obviamente há divergências dentro da própria equipe, e o Radar apresenta uma foto da média dessas opiniões.

Essa é a nossa primeira tentativa de criar um radar, e portanto esperamos feedback de vocês para melhorá-lo cada vez mais. Espero que gostem. Certamente em sua empresa o cenário é diferente. Quais tecnologias você tem evitado? Quais tem adotado? Não deixe de comentar!

26 Sep 16:42

Startup Lessons From Warby Parker, Dodocase, and More From Day 2 of the Pop-Up School

by behanceteam
Whether you work for a company or are embarking on our own side hustle, you’re an entrepreneur. To succeed as creatives, we must be free radicals, agile and innovative, no matter what company name is on our business cards.

In order to shed light on how to adopt a startup mindset, we invited Kathryn Minshew, Neil Blumenthal, Patrick Buckley, Craig Dalton, and Alexis Ohanian to share their lessons learned at Day 2 of the 99U Pop-Up School here in NYC on Sept. 19. Below are some of our favorite takeaways as shared on social media during the event.

1. Your Mission Must Come First

It can be tempting to focus on your product. Or the press. Or what your peers think. But the best companies, the ones that are truly iconic, stand for something. That’s what brands like Warby Parker have done from day one, and it’s what keeps customers coming back for more.

“We all have things we care about, what matters is standing up and seizing these opportunities” @alexisohanian #99school

— 99U (@99u) September 19, 2013


“Don’t start a startup for Tech Crunch” —@alexisohanian at #99school

— Matias Corea (@matiascorea) September 19, 2013 


“If someone is copying you, they’re always going to be two steps behind.” @neilblumenthal #99school

— 99U (@99u) September 19, 2013 


‘Make the business What you personally want out of it. That connection will motivate you’ @patrickbuckley of @DODOsays #99school

— Colleen (@thepanorama) September 19, 2013


@dodosays story is our essential core. Product can be easily copied but story can’t be copied. #99school

— Daniel Stillman (@dastillman) September 19, 2013 


2. Don’t Chase Perfection

You don’t know what you don’t know. The only way to test your hunches is to launch, and launch fast. As creatives our pride can often prevent us from releasing our work until it’s just right. But wait too long and an up-and-comer may beat you to the punch, or worse, you’ll find out that you were focused on the wrong details all along.

“Sucking is the first step of being sort of good at something.” @alexisohanian #99school

— ccannon (@ccannon) September 19, 2013


“If you wait for your product to be perfect, you will often never get there” @kmin #99school

— 99U (@99u) September 19, 2013 


“An ugly baby is better than no baby.” – @kmin #perfectvsdone #99school

— iwantadenise (@iwantadenise) September 19, 2013


Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian opens his @99U master class with a confession: “I have no idea what I’m doing and that’s awesome.” #99school

— Contagious (@contagious) September 19, 2013 


“You should be a little embarrassed by whatever it is you’re launching. Get over it.” @alexisohanian #99school

— Patrick Drew Gibson (@patrickdrewgibs) September 19, 2013


3. Solve a Real Problem

Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian leads a Master Class on Day 2 of the Pop-Up School. Photo: MACKME.COM

Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian leads a Master Class on Day 2 of the Pop-Up School. Photo: MACKME.COM

The world has enough companies that are startups for startup’s sake. The entrepreneurs that succeed are the one’s that sniff out a real problem and then throw all of their resources behind solving it.

“Your college roommates approval does not mean market demand” – @kmin #99school

— 99U (@99u) September 19, 2013


“The company and the idea came from frustration.” @neilblumenthal #99school

— 99U (@99u) September 19, 2013 


“As you’re thinking about starting a business, how can you solve real problems? How can you make lives better?” @neilblumenthal #99school

— 99U (@99u) September 19, 2013


@neilblumenthal @warbyparker “solve a real problem…it doesn’t need to be novel. it just has to make life better.” #99school

— Daniel Stillman (@dastillman) September 19, 2013


4. Build Authentic Relationships With Customers

If you have no customers, you have no business. But customers can sniff out fake sincerity from miles away, the fastest growing startups nail the customer interactions early and quickly build a base of diehard fans that propel the brand to success.

Spend time and money defending and building your brand, not your product. @dodosays #99school

— GothamSmith (@Gothamsmith) September 19, 2013


“Partners should argue a lot, but not fight. Argue about what’s best for the business.” @patrickbuckley #99school

— 99U (@99u) September 19, 2013 


“Humans build trust by giving it away–companies can do a better job at that.” @neilblumenthal #99school

— 99U (@99u) September 19, 2013 


“Telling your friends and family will help them help you with your business” @neilblumenthal #99school

— John Muscarello (@JMMuscarello) September 19, 2013


“Work on relationships and a longterm view of that relationships. Don’t meet someone and ask them for money.” @neilblumenthal #99school

— 99U (@99u) September 19, 2013


All Pop-Up School Recaps:

Day 1 recap“Make Your Own Job” + 3 Other Lessons From Day 1 of the Pop-Up School

Day 2 recapStartup Lessons By Warby Parker, Reddit, and More From Day 2 of the Pop-Up School

Day 3 recap“We Now Live In An A.D.D. Culture” + Other Digital Strategy Lessons from Day 3 of the 99U Pop-Up School

26 Sep 14:46

Oreo e suas belas campanhas animadas

by Rafael Araújo

Criado em 1912 e com uma aparência alá Negresco, arrisco dizer que Oreo é o biscoito recheado mais conhecido dos EUA, e a marca de uns tempos pra cá vem fortalecendo sua nova campanha intitulada de Wonderfilled.

Pregando uma espécie de “boas maneiras” e com um jingle sensacional (musiquinha gruda na cabeça!), as campanhas tem apresentado uma animação de respeito e todas elas possuem ilustrações simples e bem executadas.

Este foi o primeiro vídeo que apareceu com o novo conceito Wonderfilled e foi dirigido e ilustrado pelo talentoso artista Martin Allais (animador deste excelente vídeo para pilot).

Com cores chapadas, letterings animados e trechos feito no frame a frame, Oreo Wonderfilled teve uma boa repercussão e agradou muita gente com seu estilo diferenciado.

Os vídeos seguintes não perderam a qualidade e não deixaram nada a desejar, Oreo “Daydream” com um visual de sketch e com uma animação mais tradicional, Oreo “Bedtime”, animado sobre uma filmagem, e o Oreo “Chiddy Bang”, seguindo uma aparência mais cartoonesca, são todos bem diferentes, originais e não perdem a identidade da marca, o jingle também é contextualizado dependendo da linguagem da história.


Ao meu ver os clientes estrangeiros estão mais abertos a uma produção um pouco ousada ou diferente, algo que ainda não é comum vermos por aqui, Oreo Wonderfilled, por mais simples que pareça, é um exemplo de como ser original unindo ilustração, jingle e a força da animação 2d.

Confira o artigo original publicado pelo Choco La Design: Oreo e suas belas campanhas animadas

26 Sep 14:46

Padrões e cores na ilustração de Nikki Farquharson

by Bruna Bastos

A britânica Nikki Farquharson é formada em design gráfico. Apaixonada por formas e padrões, resolveu concentrar seus estudos em ilustração. Mixed media girl  é uma série experimental em que, muitas vezes, o desenho se torna extensão da fotografia e vice-versa, fazendo essa mistura lindona com fotografia, padronagens e cores.

Nikki desenha sempre à mão. Faz também colagens e, quando necessário, usa photoshop para fazer ajustes finais no trabalho.

Inspirem-se! ;)







Confira o artigo original publicado pelo Choco La Design: Padrões e cores na ilustração de Nikki Farquharson

17 Sep 00:38


17 Sep 00:38

pizzaandpixels: Its so funny to see that by adding eyes and...

Outside of the ACC. The people that were walking by loved it. They thought it was some kind of performance art. Kinda reminds me of zubat

Harbor and Young. I had other people stop and laugh when I was putting this up. Better than getting yelled at haha

Older one, from last winter.

Young and Queens Quay.

Freeland and Queens Quay. Same spot as the question mark box I did a while back.

Smokers are Jokers.

Harbour and Bay st.

Y'all come back now you here!


Its so funny to see that by adding eyes and teeth to an object it instantly gives them so much character. I honestly had the best time making these. 

Again, you can find more of my work on my Facebook street art page: